RE: [Vo]: English translation of Parkhomov's latest presentation

From: Jed Rothwell 

Slight gain can be a big deal – when it is consistent slight gain.

I would not call that a "slight gain." Many important cold fusion experiments 
have produced much smaller gains than that, and far smaller absolute power. 

A decent standard for reliable gain would be the Craven’s NI-Week demo. He saw 
about the same COP at far less power, at only 80C - and the excess heat was 
there for many months. It is a mystery to me why that demo was not expanded or 
even replicated. 

Perhaps it is a good time to revisit the low-input, high-inventory regime, 
possibly using hundreds of grams of reactant instead of grams. The rationale 
for using only 2 grams of nickel and .2 grams of LAH has never seemed valid, 
since there is little evidence to suggest that the reaction does not scale. 

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