Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

I'm having trouble understanding the problem you're having seeing how he
> could fake it.
> The power calculations depend on the steam being dry, and there's no
> evidence it was.
> They also depend on the flow meter reading accurately, and there's no
> evidence that it did.

Yes. I estimated that if the fluid was entirely water, that plus a flow
meter reading three times too high would reduce the COP to 1. The flow
meter pipe was reportedly about half full of water, and the flow meter was
the wrong kind, so an error on this scale is plausible.

I do not mean I am sure this is what happened. Some other combination of
errors might explain it. Perhaps it was a mixture of steam and water, and
perhaps the flow meter was off by a factor of 6. Or, perhaps there were
problems with the thermometers. I think there may have been.

I think in any scenario, wet steam is likely to be the biggest contribution
to the error.

- Jed

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