I am trying to figure out how Rossi could have faked it just as you mention.   
We should be able to achieve that goal by using scientific logic, at least that 
is my assumption.

Perhaps the fact that I leave open the possibility that he may be telling the 
truth is where we differ.  I am much closer to believing that he performed some 
type of magic trick than that his system is delivering 1 MW  but, until all the 
evidence is presented I refrain from passing final judgement.

It is obvious that you and Jed are totally convinced of malice, but I would 
hope that you and the others of that persuasion understand folks like me that 
want an ironclad case.





-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Fri, Aug 26, 2016 3:59 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interesting Steam Calculation

    David, you are doing the equivalent of using a physics model to    predict 
whether airplanes should have knocked down the WTC.
    Back in the day, a lot of people slammed FEMA for not doing exactly    
that, and for, instead, using a parametrized model to figure out how    the WTC 
    In the case of 9/11 they used the parametrized approach because it    was 
already screamingly in-your-face obvious that airplanes hit the    buildings 
and then they fell down and they were trying to figure out    how, not whether, 
they collapsed.
    The same goes here.  From the lack of gigantic heat sinks sticking    out 
of the roof of the "customer site", we know beyond a reasonable    doubt that 
there was no 1 MW of heat.  So a detailed    analysis of the data should be 
directed toward determining how    the heat was faked, not whether the heat was 
    Your approach is to analyse the details in an attempt at determining    
whether the heat was faked.  But we already know that.
    It's like you've watched a magician make a woman turn into a tiger,    and 
you're trying to analyze everything you saw him do while he was    on stage in 
an effort to determine whether she really turned      into a tiger.  Seriously, 
that's not going to lead to anything    of much value.  Trying to figure out 
how he faked it would    be a lot more useful.
On 08/26/2016 03:24 PM, Stephen A.      Lawrence wrote:
On 08/26/2016 02:04 PM, David        Roberson wrote:
I have been pursuing my model as to how Rossi might        be able to show 
gauge readings that imply that 1 MW of steam is        being delivered while 
not being an accurate assessment of the        real power.
        I assumed that the information published by Engineer48 in        
E-CATWORLD.com is accurate.
      The readings which were recorded are extremely      implausible, to the 
point of being impossible.  So why would you      assume they're correct?
      It's a very reasonable guess is that the readings, as recorded,      were 
entirely bogus -- the actual values were not what was written      down.  And 
once you've admitted that detail, the rest of it falls      immediately -- a 
tiny inaccuracy in recording the pressure, plus      another inaccuracy in 
recording the flow rate, and you're done.
      Who are the hoard of witnesses that attested that the data as      
recorded was exactly as the gauges read?
        At this point all I can say is that we need more data before we        
can prove that Rossi is not being truthfully.  
      Bosh.  Go back to the discussion of where the 1 megawatt of        heat 
was dumped.  There was no megawatt of heat      dumped on the "customer site".  
Rossi claimed there was.  What      more proof do you need?  The rest is just 
details.  The details      may be interesting, but they follow the proof in 
this      case, they don't provide the proof.

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