Many papers associate vacuum fluctuations with time dilation during pair
anti pair production but this is a balanced system so small and fleeting as
to appear isotropic to an observer at our scale. Einstein concluded that
time is dilated or always moves slower in a volume that contains a different
energy content reflecting what Gamma quantifies as a ratio between different
inertial frames when that delta approaches luminal velocity. These luminal
velocities also occur in the Microverse of radial orbits our electrons
experience. In flat space without a waveguide or cavity to suppress the ZPF
this orbital Microverse is essentially in a common isotropic field /
inertial frame. When these orbitals are diffused into a cavity that
suppresses some of these fluctuations the total energy is reduced and time
dilation occurs translating the orbital into a different inertial frame
where the orbital velocity C appears to take on fractional values from 2-137
as calculated by Bourgoin.

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