OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks like my web host provider
> supports it. Just about every provider does!

That is because it takes only MySQL. Any ISP has that nowadays. The rest
you have to do yourself, but installation is not hard.

> WORD PRESS is very popular.

Yes. Even the White House uses it. The quality is only so-so but once
something becomes the standard it pushes out better technology. Contingency
and incumbency at work.

> I'm still a little puzzled over what options are available as to WHERE
> one edits personal content prior to publishing material out on the
> web.

That's a problem. You have to learn how to use it. I suppose you can
establish protected folders on your web site. But I find it runs rather
slowly on line, and I ended up doing many dire things that wiped it out
several times. I reloaded from scratch 2 or 3 times. So I recommend
installing your own private Apache server and MySQL server on your own
computer. There is a free program called XAMPP that does that. The only
problem I encountered was that Port 80 is not available so I ended up with
localhost:90. It works fine. Programs find it without difficulty.

After you install that, you cram everything in folders here:


That's your local server. A program ending in .php will only execute under
this folder. For example:


C:\xampp\htdocs\test -- the place I have been testing the ScriptCase
database manager

C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp -- the place where phpMyAdmin and other utilities

> It looks to me like WORD PRESS is set up such that the preferred (or
> default) way of editing personal content is through the use of one's
> favorite web browser, where one actually performs the raw editing of
> personal content (pages) on-line.

Yup. It only works with a browser. And not very well at that. You can hold
back pages and do a test run of them without publishing, but it turns out
they do not look or act the same was as when you publish. I recommend
publishing them on you own private XAMPP server. The problem then becomes
how do you migrate pages from your server to the ISP. There are a number of
utility programs that come with WordPress to Export and Import, and several
add-on programs that do this. Supposedly. I have concluded the reason there
are so many add-on programs is because none of them works right. If you
transfer the files three times you end up with three copies of everything.
You CANNOT erase things. They keep popping up again. The only way to kill
them dead is go into MySQL and wiping out the whole database, and install
from scratch.

It's a long story.

> I'm wondering... can one perform most of the
> major editing on one's home PC and then ftp/upload the finished
> content after most of the fixes have been completed?

FPT makes your ISP think it is your personal computer. Nothing works. You
have to cram most of the content into the MySQL database.

You can write the pages and posts and then export them. That does work. But
the underlying structure has to be the some in both places, and the MySQL
files that hold the pages and posts have to be manually emptied out, as I

It is surprising to me that software is not fundamentally easier to use or
more reliable than it was in 1978. It is easier for the users, but for
programmers it remains a nightmare of complexity. I spent an hour trying to
figure out how to use MySQL ISAM-style indexes today. The program syntax is
weird and backwards and you can never tell what is supposed to be in single
or double quotes. I think I got it to work, because when I deleted the
indexes, the program crashed. The thing is, the program took 7 seconds to
do a search without the indexes, and 7 seconds with them. They do not seem
to do a bit of good! Maybe I am using them wrong, but I have been using
indexes for 40 years and it should not be so damn difficult or ineffectual.

I cannot imagine how ordinary folks get anything done with computers. I
guess they use only canned software, off the shelf, with no changes.

WordPress and other similar programs use .php code to generate HTML code
on-the-fly. That is, short programs generate long programs, which is what
actually runs. I have looked carefully at some of the code that is
generated, because I wondered why it ran so slow and kept screwing up. I
looked at code from the White House and other professional sites. (You just
right click and select "view page source.") The code looks like it was
written by idiots! It is incredibly redundant and it keeps making calls
that take forever, such as loading images by calling the Internet;
i.e., the front page at LENR-CANR has this statement to display the little
picture of the book:

. . . <p><a href="

So, every time someone visits the ISP sends out a call to find
"LENR-CANR.org" and translate it into a web address for *every single image
and .php code segment!* It should call:


. . . because that is right there where it is executing. No overhead.
Billions of WordPress programs are out there flooding the internet servers
a trillion times a day, asking for info they have already. I tried to patch
the code so it would look locally but that does not work. Who knows why.

These people have never heard of code optimization.

- Jed

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