

Thank you very much for your very, very, VERY thorough analysis of the
trials and tribulations of working with WORD PRESS. Your analysis scared the
b'jesus out to me! ;-)


Well, at least you tell a cautionary tale, and that was important for me to
hear. I'll take a look at how you managed to perform the remote publishing
procedure. I sure would like to keep a similar kind of an arrangement if I
can. The idea of doing all my editing on-line strikes me as an incredibly
stupid idea. But I guess if you don't have much content maybe doing it all
on-line doesn't matter that much. Unfortunately, putting together a local
server for development work and then getting one's  "localhoast" web site to
link up to the WWW sounds like it will involve a lot of finicky work and


BTW, your MySQL comment - about the 7 second delay, I feel your pain. We
have had similar issues that we had to resolve at work where documents
scanned in were not exporting into our Content Management database in a
timely fashion. We were getting MONTHS behind schedule! Turns out they were
exporting slowly because the original programmers hired to do the job did
not think to insert the indexes properly. As a result each document when
exported into the DB2 tables performed a complete sequential search through
millions, literally MILLIONS of rows of data for each INSERT. Once we
figured out the snafu and got them properly indexed it was just a matter of
seconds. It sounds to me as like you still might not be using the MySQL ISAM
function correctly. It definitely shouldn't take 7 seconds. The fact that it
takes the exact same time either way is a dead giveaway that the indexing
portion is not working - IMHO.


Thanks for your insights, Jed,



Steven Vincent Johnson


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