Regarding my understanding of genetics, I stand corrected. Thanks for the 
education, Nigel.




> I'll let you know if I find a copyright statement.   

> I spend quite a lot of time browsing through the DNA

> looking for anomalies.



FWIW, a recent Season 3 installment from the Science Channel, "Through the 
Wormhole: Will We Survive First Contact" actually speculated on the possibility 
that something equivalent to a copyright statement might be uncovered embedded 
in our genetic code. The premise hinges on a fascinating theory that such a 
"copyright" might be deciphered through a better understanding of detecting 
certain universal similarities that are now suspected to exist in all forms of 
intelligent communication. The installment talks about how we might go about 
deciphering "alien" languages based on some recent unexpected and startling 
correlations that have been discovered in all of our own human languages. The 
same correlations were discovered in cetaceans (dolphins & whales) language as 
well. It suggests the fact that they actually are talking to each other – 
exchanging complex ideas. These unexpected correlations gives some hope that 
the same correlations might eventually be detected in what is currently thought 
of as nothing more than random static from EM radiation coming from outer 
space. Some also theorize that perhaps the same correlations might also be 
detected within our own genetic code. You might enjoy watching the episode. The 
episode describes what kind of correlations they are looking for. Therefore, 
it’s possible you could end up developing some kind of an algorithm that looks 
for the same kind of patterns. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson

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