Second Incomes, as suggested by Louis Kelso, would be derived from a broad new 
program of capital investment. This is not in any way Socialism. Kelso's first 
book, with Mortimer Adler, was The Capitalist Manifesto. 

There is a link, under SECOND INCOMES, on the Aesop Institute website, to a 
recent article by Gary Reber, that provides a complete overview of Kelso's 

This is an invention in the field of economics that might be viewed as an 
analog to LENR, insofar as it addresses a huge problem - and is, to date, 
largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Mark Goldes
Co-Founder, Chava Energy
CEO, Aesop Institute

707 861-9070
707 497-3551 fax
From: a.ashfield []
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Another article about the impact of automation on employment

Edmund Storms wrote: “This is obviously a basic question and the obvious answer 
is a form of socialism. Money will have be extracted from the system to give 
basic support to the unemployed and underemployed. As we know from sad 
experience, when people are hungary and bored they gum up the system. This 
consequence is not hard to predict. The US will be particularly susceptible to 
this problem because of the irrational attitude toward such social support held 
by people who call themselves Republicans and libertarians.”
Basic support to the unemployed won’t do it.  That doesn’t allow for the market 
of luxuries that gradually improve the standard of living and civilization in 
general.  There are some possibilities in a much shorter working week, much 
earlier retirement and a direct payment to every individual from the 
government.  The problem is the transition and from where the government would 
get the money for the change.  There are very few ways that fit within the 
current cultural and political framework in the US.   So like the Chinese 
proverb says:   “Interesting times.”

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