When I had a look at the tracks that were present on the samples that Mark showed us, I was left with the clear impression that what was going on was not simply ballistic. It did not look as if the cavitation bubble shot out a lump of something that gouged its way along the surface of the metal, the tracks were too even across the length. It was almost as if the cavitation bubble initiated some kind of LENR event that continued as the vortex (or whatever) passed along the surface, giving it a continuing and consistent source of energy. The vortex theory may possibly support this. It seemed unlikely that it was a highly columnated source of energetic particles/radiation from the bubble because many of the tracks are not straight, which also suggests that it was not a simple ballistic event.

On 09/11/2013 22:14, Axil Axil wrote:

LeClair’s experimental descriptions mostly rings true with my understanding of LENR in cavatation.

The */Key/* to LENR is optical vortexes (AKA solitons). Nanoplasmonics mechanisms load light into nano-sized optical resonators in unlimited amounts. These solitons produce hugely powerful tightly focused atomic scale magnetic beams. The power of these beams may get up to 10 to the 16th power tesla.

In the Ni/H reactor, these solitons are entangled and form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Therefore no gamma radiation is emitted from the BEC because of EMF superatom frequency leveling.

However, in the LeClair system it is too cold for a BEC to form so gamma radiation will not be converted to heat.

In this theory, the cavatation bubble forms an optical resonator. The power that has formed the bubble is converted to light by Nanoplasmonic mechanisms and the light is compressed in frequency to near X-Ray levels by whispering gallery resonance processes (AKA FANO resonance).


In sonoluminescence, the dark mode cavity confinement of the polariton plasmoid (aka soliton) breaks down and energy from the plasmoid escapes to the far field (it glows) as ultra- violet and deep blue light as the cavatation bubble collapses.

However, when the dark mode is maintained (light tight) in the cavatation bubble, the huge magnetic field produce by light in the polariton plasmid vortex stays together long enough to affect the atoms on the surface of the solid material being eroded.

In cavatation, the soliton can grow especially strong because vortex structures likes to combine together. Many solitons can combine into one huge monster. In the Ni/H reactor, consolidation of solitons may not occur which makes for a Ni/H reaction weaker. LeClair may have erroneously connected the water crystal that he sees with the action of these magnetic vortex solitons.

These nanostructures may play a role in the production of the solitons. His belief in hypersonic water crystal collision is not correct,

LeClair states that something - a vortex (my belief) made a 2 meter spiral trench in a copper rod.

Proton-21 has seen a vortex track for maximum distance of 61 centimeters in a photograph/



*/Experimental observation and analysis of action of light magnetic monopoles on multilayer surfaces/*

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Nigel Dyer <l...@thedyers.org.uk <mailto:l...@thedyers.org.uk>> wrote:

    The bits of the results that I think are true are that he has
    managed to get fairly spectacular damage using cavitation bubbles
    and that there was something more interesting going on than just
    bubble collapse.   The answer to why comes from having spent
    something like four hours with Mark during which we had extensive
    and often completely surreal discussions, and also from knowing
    someone else who appears in part to have managed to repeat the

    On 09/11/2013 14:54, Mark Gibbs wrote:
    Which aspects of the 'results' do you think are true and why?


    On Saturday, November 9, 2013, Nigel Dyer wrote:

I am not sure that a translation would be of much help. With LeClair I think you need to try and separate out the
        hypothesies as to the mechanism from the observations of what
        happened.  Too often LeClair confuses the two.  There is a
        lot to be said for the 'Method/Results/Discussion' format of
        presenting information.
        If we are convinced that at least some aspects of the
        'results' are real (I am), I tend to feel you need to start
        again from first principles on the 'discussion' section.

        On 08/11/2013 23:13, Axil Axil wrote:

        LeClair said as follows:

        “The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie
        Matter wave soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic
        and followed the Jacobi Elliptic functions exactly, mostly
        in the form of large doubly-periodic vortices. Hundreds of
        wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
        permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding
        the lab”.

        What could it all mean - a translation.


        IMHO, this is a misspelling of Conoid

        In geometry <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometry>, a
        *conoid* is a Catalan surface
        <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_surface>all of whose
        rulings intersect a fixed line
        <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_%28geometry%29>, called
        the /axis/ of the conoid. If all its rulings are
        perpendicular to its axis, then the conoid is called a right
        conoid <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_conoid>

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