Hi Reed,

yea, great, well... I thought simply to write a perl converter while I read some vos content code snipets (sorry you c++ gods:
perl nearly only I know nesides c and c++ fragments ;)

-Well before you think to waste your time on game content, there is pretty much content on vrml-designers looking for a free system, only was what I tried to say.

Well we should give it a try if static content works? I can give you vrml models to try to convert, humm.. we could try IFS, material...


Hermetic, Yes I'm still working on the "VRML Server". I'm on a secondary mission at the moment getting TerAngreal to display hierarchically nested objects, then back to VRMLServer. So the code is in CVS if anyone wants to help, but it's sort of in transition so let's coordinate. One thing to do is have a seperate "load file" function that can be used by itself if you only want to load static geometry. Another thing is that not all nodes are implemented (only sphere, box, cylinder, cone, IFS, material, texture.) Then next is to implement event listeners so that scripts and routes work.

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