Hello Joshua, 
please remember that you have asked for this:  


--- joshua schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> it'd help a
> lot if folks made  
> a list of stuff they thought was wrong.

Speaking about changes that we would like to see, I
would like to see more integration between different
pages of the site.

For example right now we have a 
and a

I would like to see the two informations on the same
page. Maybe the popular one as a side column.
At the very least I would like not to have just a link
from one page to the other, but in the tag page the
information of how many items are in the popular page.
This would tell me if it is worth at all opening that
page or not.

Also in the same page I would like to see the most
active users that are using that tag. Or maybe ALL the
users that have used that tag (in the links present in
the page). In order of how commonly. Or maybe ordered
as relative importance of that tag respect to all the
tags they have (danger! some math involved).
I know this is dangerous ground as it can easily turn
on a positive feedback loop where people use common
tags just to have their name on the sidebar. On the
other hand when you are investigating a new tag you
need to know who is using it.

I do agree that the popular page should be the front
page, after all it represents the cream of the
delicious experience. The most delicious delicious.
But again I would like to see the two pages (popular
and ?new popular) integrated. Can't we get a different
color or an asterisk for new links?

Another thing that I am really missing is, in the
popular page, after each link, the 4 (or so) more
common tags used to define it. Just the tip of the
power law, would be so useful.

I miss the archive with the pages that were popular in
the previous days. I use to find that page a much
better source of info on what has happened when I have
been away than newspapers, or inbox or external

When we open a page regarding a link, like

we have the "show related items".
Does it really need to open another window? Can't it
just show or hide some information?
And can't the information be in the same format as
links in the popular page? A bit of standardization
would probably help.

Dear Joshua, I have a much longer list of things I
would like to see, but I tried to contain myself with
things that were on topic of the current thread:
delicious appearence and way to present information.

I am at disposition to clarify any element of this

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