Hey Josh,

Is there a delicous wiki?  Then we could all just put our feature requests on the wiki page.


At 11:49 AM 10/24/2005, Raymond Dubisky wrote:
One thing I would find useful would be automatic grouping of related tags, or plurals. Things like "game" and "games" or "recipe" and "recipes" etc.

On 10/24/05, joshua schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to see the two informations on the same
> page. Maybe the popular one as a side column.
> At the very least I would like not to have just a link
> from one page to the other, but in the tag page the
> information of how many items are in the popular page.
> This would tell me if it is worth at all opening that
> page or not.

Interesting. Probably would require a smaller rendering of individual
posts, I think.

> Also in the same page I would like to see the most
> active users that are using that tag. Or maybe ALL the
> users that have used that tag (in the links present in
> the page). In order of how commonly. Or maybe ordered
> as relative importance of that tag respect to all the
> tags they have (danger! some math involved).
> I know this is dangerous ground as it can easily turn
> on a positive feedback loop where people use common
> tags just to have their name on the sidebar. On the
> other hand when you are investigating a new tag you
> need to know who is using it.

This could probably be done much like the related tags, I think.

Right now this is generated offline but I've been thinking of
changing it to dynamic; if we make it dynamic then this could be an
easy add-on

> I do agree that the popular page should be the front
> page, after all it represents the cream of the
> delicious experience. The most delicious delicious.

We do have some plans to radically change the front page soon.

> But again I would like to see the two pages (popular
> and ?new popular) integrated. Can't we get a different
> color or an asterisk for new links?\

Good idea.

> Another thing that I am really missing is, in the
> popular page, after each link, the 4 (or so) more
> common tags used to define it. Just the tip of the
> power law, would be so useful.

This one has been on my todo list for quite some time; I just need to
make the query go faster.

> I miss the archive with the pages that were popular in
> the previous days. I use to find that page a much
> better source of info on what has happened when I have
> been away than newspapers, or inbox or external
> services.

Yes, I liked that too. Another query issue there, too -- we changed
it a while ago to use the last N posts (approximately one day's
worth) to calculate popularity instead of a single day.

(Also I think we should lower the number of posts counted, that would
make it more dynamic a list)

> When we open a page regarding a link, like
> http://del.icio.us/url/b0b9aabd95b24fc3a6b63a294d7d92fd
> we have the "show related items".
> Does it really need to open another window? Can't it
> just show or hide some information?

Mostly to let users who are interested click to find out. Many people
do not really care, it looks like.

> And can't the information be in the same format as
> links in the popular page? A bit of standardization
> would probably help.

Not sure what this would look like.

> Dear Joshua, I have a much longer list of things I
> would like to see, but I tried to contain myself with
> things that were on topic of the current thread:
> delicious appearence and way to present information.

Go ahead, that is what we are here for :)

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