Jerome Renard wrote:

I started to test Pake in the context of AZC.

You can get the Pakefile if you svn up website/

You may also browse the file here:

As you will see it is quite simple et much more readable that its Ant
Glad we share the same impressions ;-)
Any feedback welcome :)

One thing: I see you have set the path to cli tools in config file.
While this allows some flexibility, it means the config file will need to be 
different if running the build on my windows pc and on your mac.
I propose instead to make the config file oblivious to the environment, and use 
options passed on the cli for environment-related parameters, eg

php pake.php thistask --php=/usr/local/bin/php --doxygen="c:/program 

Also remember to use escapeshellarg() around your command line executables and 
paths before invoking them. There might be spaces in them...


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