Hi Alexey,

Thanks for the clarifications.
Build failures we are getting are mainly because of tighter compiler restrictions, I have attached error log for the same.
Basically we have 2 log errors and one conditional error.

Yes in the latest build there is refactoring of LWComponentPeer.java but I have taken care of it and build error was not because of that.

And thanks for sharing test and Graphics2D supported method details.

* For target support_native_java.desktop_libawt_lwawt_MTLBlitLoops.o:
 error: '&&' within '||' [-Werror,-Wlogical-op-parentheses]
                  && !mtlc.useTransform; // TODO: check whether transform is 
simple translate (and use replaceRegion in this case)
 note: place parentheses around the '&&' expression to silence this warning
                  && !mtlc.useTransform; // TODO: check whether transform is 
simple translate (and use replaceRegion in this case)
1 error generated.
* For target support_native_java.desktop_libawt_lwawt_MTLContext.o:
 error: local declaration of 'xorPixel' hides instance variable 
              "MTLContext.setXorComposite: xorPixel=%08x", xorPixel);
1 error generated.

* For target support_native_java.desktop_libawt_lwawt_MTLLayer.o:
 error: 'MTLContext' does not have a member named 'mtlDevice'
      J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "MTLLayer.blitTexture: uninitialized 
(mtlc=%p, javaLayer=%p, buffer=%p, devide=%p)", self.ctx, self.javaLayer, 
self.buffer, ctx->mtlDevice);
 ~~~  ^
 note: expanded from macro 'J2dTraceLn4'
          J2dTraceImpl(level, JNI_TRUE, string, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); \
1 error generated.

On 16-May-2019, at 10:39 PM, Alexey Ushakov <alexey.usha...@jetbrains.com> wrote:

Hi Jay,

I can see that now you have added the MTLTexturePool.m file. It only partially solves the build failures.
Jay & myself tried building it separately and we do still see the build failures.

It’s strange. There wasn’t any copy/paste errors. The only reason that I can imagine that some chunks of the patch were rejected (as I actually experienced recently because of some refactoring of LWComponentPeer.java happened couple of days ago).
Anyway, I regenerated webrev once more (http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avu/JDK-8220154/webrev.01) and verified it with the openjdk workspace hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/client

So with current JB changes what parts of primitive and image drawing are expected to work?
Please provide your inputs.

I’ve included junit4 performance test that you can try to see what is currently supported.
Here is some steps to run the test provided with the webrev

#cd openjdk_ws 
#mkdir -p test/jdk/jbu/testdata/perf/metal/
#cp webrev/raw_files/new/test/jdk/jbu/testdata/perf/metal/duke.png test/jdk/jbu/testdata/perf/metal/

#./build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk-bundle/jdk-13.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac  -cp .:/Users/avu/tools/junit-4.10.jar -d . test/jdk/jbu/perf/metal/MetalPerfTest.java

#./build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk-bundle/jdk-13.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java  -cp .:/Users/avu/tools/junit-4.10.jar -Dtestdata=/Users/avu/ws/openjdk/test/jdk/jbu/testdata -Djb.java2d.metal=true org.junit.runner.JUnitCore  perf.metal.MetalPerfTest

Here is the list of supported methods from Graphics2D: 
setPaint(new LinearGradientPaint())
draw/fill (Shape)

Best Regards,

On 16 May 2019, at 15:08, Jayathirth Rao <jayathirth....@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Alexey,

We are trying to test basic calls of Graphics2D as mentioned in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/TOC.html 

I see that Graphics2D.drawImage() with BufferedImage as input works. Also I tried other operations like fillRect() and fillOval() and they work. I am testing with simple JFrame and adding draw calls inside overriden paint() method of a panel.

So with current JB changes what parts of primitive and image drawing are expected to work?
Please provide your inputs.


On 16-May-2019, at 12:47 PM, Ajit Ghaisas <ajit.ghai...@oracle.com> wrote:

Thanks Alexey.

I can see that now you have added the MTLTexturePool.m file. It only partially solves the build failures.
Jay & myself tried building it separately and we do still see the build failures.

Some statements need bracketing & some copy-paste errors need correction.
We could fix these errors and have got a build. We will continue our test experiments with it.

Meanwhile, you may want to update the patch to fix the build errors. 


On 08-May-2019, at 8:56 PM, Alexey Ushakov <alexey.usha...@jetbrains.com> wrote:

FYI, I’ve rebased our work on top of the latest state of http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk 

Best Regards,

On 8 May 2019, at 16:19, Alexey Ushakov <alexey.usha...@jetbrains.com> wrote:

Thanks for catching it, Ajit!

Looks like it was a problem with webrev script applied to multiple git commits. I’ve updated the webrev.
Also, we didn’t rebase yet on the latest state of http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk (this work is in progress).
I’ll let you know when the rebase is ready.

Best Regards,

On 7 May 2019, at 21:02, Ajit Ghaisas <ajit.ghai...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Alexey,

   I tried building this patch with latest http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/
   1. Some basic copy paste errors are resulting in build failures
   2. MTLTexturePool.m file is missing from the patch

   Can you please check & update?


On 30-Apr-2019, at 2:52 PM, Alexey Ushakov <alexey.usha...@jetbrains.com> wrote:


Here  is an update on our effort to use Metal framework for java2d rendering.

We’ve added image rendering support and some support for LinearGradient. Also, the code has been refactored.

Please have a look:

Best Regards,


As far as we know Apple has deprecated OpenGL on MacOS platform (https://developer.apple.com/macos/whats-new/).

Unfortunately, this decision greatly affects our products that based on Java Client technologies. So, we (here at JetBrains) decided to start a project to replace OpenGL rendering on MacOS platform with a new one based on Metal. This is a huge task, so we  decided to leverage current rendering architecture that is used in OpenGL rendering pipeline on Mac.  

That’s why we didn’t use MTKView for representing AWT windows (that probably would be a better approach in the long term). Currently we're using CAMetalLayer within AWTView. We’ve implemented flat color shape/curve rendering so far and there is a lot of work to do. So, we’re looking forward to any collaboration.

In the mean time I’d like to share our current work to discuss metal pipeline architecture at the early stage of work.

Here is the webrev with our on going development:


Best Regards,

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