> On Nov 30, 2016, at 2:55 PM, Peter Jakobsson <li...@netkelvin.com> wrote:
> myMethod($object)  <— Iceberg waiting for Titanic
> ====================
> What do other people think about this ? Is anyone else bothering about this 
> distinction ?

I'm not sure I'm following the issue. I created a compiled component (15.3 Mac) 
with this method:

OB SET($1;"test";True)
OB REMOVE($1;"cool")

Then I called it from the host (interpreted) with this:

OB SET($oTest;"cool";False)
_TEST1 ($oTest)

After the call $oTest is:


So the host sees both the added and removed property executed in the component. 
What am I missing?

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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