I have not checked. We have been trying to work with you on this first and that 
has taken well over a week on just figure. We are now working with other 
browser and ATVs now. The current mapping also does not require an API change.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 16, 2016, at 8:47 AM, Alexander Surkov <surkov.alexan...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Rich Schwerdtfeger <richsch...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Alex, 
>> That is indeed what ARIA has as the HTML AAM points to that mapping in ARIA 
>> Core: 
>> http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-figure
>> and the HTML AAM points to it. So, for the figure role we are all set. 
>> Is that currently implemented in Firefox when you an element with 
>> role=“figure”? … ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING and xml-roles:figure object attrib
> It's not yet implemented in Firefox. Btw, do you know if other browsers have 
> supported it?
>> If you do already, I will work with Windows ATVs to start supporting it on 
>> Windows.
> HTML:figure is accessible in Firefox. ARIA role='figure' should have 
> identical mapping. If screen readers support HTML:figure, then they don't 
> have to make any extra effort to support ARIA role='figure'.
>> Please map that for for SVG elements when it is applied as well. Then we can 
>> discuss their participating in a list of figures in ATVs as part of the AT 
>> UIs. 
>> Rich
>> Rich Schwerdtfeger
>>> On Sep 15, 2016, at 1:00 PM, Alexander Surkov <asur...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Marcos.
>>> I'm getting lost in the discussion as it goes in two separate
>>> threads/groups (IAccessible2 one and SVG groups).
>>> I buy Doug's argument [1] that non browser SVG tools may not implement
>>> HTML, but still they are keen to support ARIA to make their products
>>> accessible. This argument can be a justification for ARIA figure role
>>> I think.
>>> Having said that, I'm adherent to the idea of re-using HTML elements
>>> in SVG documents. The author should be able to use standard HTML and
>>> SVG blocks to make the content accessible. <foreingObject> perhaps is
>>> not the most convenient structure to embed HTML into SVG, but it
>>> works, which makes ARIA role='figure' less valuable in the browser's
>>> word.
>>> I don't think that ARIA role='figure', implemented in the browsers,
>>> may harm anyone, I'd be interesting though to hear from other browsers
>>> on this topic.
>>> Rich, I think ARIA role='figure' should have same IAccessible2 mapping
>>> as HTML figure element has, which is ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING and
>>> xml-roles:figure object attribute.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Alexander.
>>> [1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Sep/0053.html
>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 1:19 AM, Marcos Caceres <mcace...@mozilla.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On September 15, 2016 at 2:10:09 PM, Rich Schwerdtfeger
>>>> (richsch...@gmail.com) wrote:
>>>>> Alex, both Doug and Anna have expressed to you the opinion of the SVG 
>>>>> working group to not
>>>>> have those elements in SVG. At this point the discussion on adding or 
>>>>> using them is not
>>>>> productive.
>>>> With all due respect, if Mozilla is supposed to implement this, we
>>>> need our queries addressed properly.
>>>> Mozilla's position is that developers should be able to use existing
>>>> HTML element/attributes in SVG, where they are
>>>> semantically/structurally useful. It clearly doesn't make sense to
>>>> redefine things that are in HTML in some new SVG version.
>>>> I would kindly ask that Alex's requests for clarification are addressed.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Marcos
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