For this reason, some interested NGOS and volunteer groups must take initiative 
to teach maths and reasoning to candidates taking up exams.

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From: <> On Behalf 
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Sent: 17 August 2022 11:08
Subject: Re: [AI] From Charging Lakhs to Offering Proxy Candidates, Is Exam 
'Scribe Service' Turning Into 'Business'?

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Well said! There are schools which teach Maths upto class 8th only and untill 
recently, few counted schools tought it upto 10th. How one expects from a blind 
candidate who has studied Maths till class 8th and was never even told in 
school about something called "Reasoning"! How would he solve such questions? 
Even if some fortunate one gets enrolled in some coatching, will he be able to 
understand all those concepts at par with his sighted pears? We must first 
focus on strengthning our education system.

On 8/16/2022 7:31 PM, Pinkesh Tailor wrote:

Firstly the examination must be made visually impaired friendly. We

are just been accommodated for examination which are meant for sighted

people. Just giving some extra time, exemption from tables and

graphical questions etc is not going to make any sense. And the

fundamental issues remains unanswered, so as to how the special

schools can trained visually impaired on logic, math which do not

include visual graph or on tactile based questions at the primary and

secondary schooling age. Some or many of us may be fortunate enough to

have inclusive education, or having a good family status along with

support system. What about the unfortunates, should they die because

of this? Until these persisting issues in relation to the education

system for visually impaired do not get resolved, I suggest that

organizations must frame interview based verbal discussion, such as

testing the candidates on various parameters such as psychometric,

reasoning, general affairs, basics of computing with screan readerrs,

English/Hindi  reading and writing skill, mathematical ability etc.

Despite of all the efforts put on by our community for reservation in

employment, the companies are still lagging in achieving full Vacancy.

This is some where a result of disguised discrimination in the public

sector organizations, and even in general the big private sector

employers are willing to recruit only those visually impaired who have

spent a lots of money on education / higher education. So who bothers

about the unfortunates and economically backward blind candidates?

On 8/16/22, Sandesh HR <><> 

Hi friends,

Kethan said rightly.

Extremely sorry I request you all read long e-mail.

strengthen Fundamentally eligibility of candidate, selection and exam

written format processes well.

Present format also have issues like visualize and understand the

journey of listen and write the public sector exam questions. scribe

will read the question to vision impaired. Scribe takes one or two

minute To read the instruction to screen reader users.

Followed listener will listen give the answer one one or two minute.

That means vision impaired completes one instruction almost 3 to 4 minutes.

Out of 80 minutes if vision impaired follow he or she able to not more

than 20 to 25 instructions.

My view is strengthen the system.

Make the exam screens accessible and user friendly (compatible with

keyboard and low vision friendly)with screen reader

If person has use digital device to write the exam on their own

Insite is person with vision impaired join banking and other public

sector jobs without knowing computer spelling and mobility knowledge.

Present government system is some of vision impaired join the

government jobs without require knowledge and skills. Therefore public

sector changing their perception about vision impaired hiring. More

towards functional low vision.

After candidate's hiring organization approachs subject mater experts

to spend exstra money to train the vision impaired candidates.

 Therefore bank put the pressure on facilitators teach all vision

impaired employees in less amount of 100 hours.

Financial burden government sectors and corporate sectors as well.

Learner feels Burdon and pressure to learn from typing to internet,

My view is need to emphasize our community before taking the exams

improve computer, spelling, English mobility efficiency and process


Exam duration has to increase on reality wise.

Example: screen reader user has to attend the 100 questions in 80 minutes.

Screen reader user has to answer less than almost 30 to 40 seconds.

He or she has to understand the layout of window, followed by

comprehend the screen reader accent, need to decide efficiently use

keyboard commands to use to quickly complete the exam.

Comprehend the questions, he or she has to listen screen reader key

command twice or trice less than 30 seconds.

If screen reader user taking 90 seconds to solve one question, that

means before apply government exams need to ask our self am I


If any person feels need to improve should take action to become

excellent on computer, English, competitive exams.

Lot of work involves back ground all the coaching center syllabus has to


Need to do the capacity building the coaching center faculties teach

reasoning, aptitude and English.

One more glitch will begin again scribe banks as well if we recommends.

Example: few states very difficult get scribe who is good at reading

english and Hindi.

Since government attend the exam in Hindi still scribes unable to read

English properly.

My view is all stake holders together work make our community good in

society and solve the exam

Let us do retrospection rather than blame the scribes.

Action VS reaction.

I have felt to share my incite and I am not against views .

On 8/16/22, Ketan Kothari <><> 

Hi Friends,

Although the problems mentioned in the article are true to some

extent, the blind community is also not without blame.  Also, there

are some glaring inconsistencies in the news item and I wonder why

this coaching institute is not reported to police?  I would have been

happy if there were by-line give  in the article.

In most cases, VI people don't wish to read and that is a fact which

we must accept.  That may be true for even the sighted folks but in

our case, the options of gaining knowledge are fewer.

For most exams there is a lot of material avaiable but one needs to

search carefully.



On 14/08/2022, Minar Singh <><> 

>From Charging Lakhs to Offering Proxy Candidates, Is Exam 'Scribe

Service' Turning Into 'Business'?

New Delhi, India

Scribes charge from Rs 2,000 to rs 5 lakh for exam (Representational


Scribes charge from Rs 2,000 to rs 5 lakh for exam (Representational


Lack of scribes for candidates with visual impairment has led to a

rampant illegal ‘scribe business’ across the country, activists demand

national scribe banks.

Help offered to visually impaired students in form of scribes is

turning into a business, where on one hand deserving students find it

difficult to get a scribe, on the other hand, many ‘coaching

institutes’ offer scribes as ‘proxy’ candidates to solve papers on

behalf of students in exchange for lakhs of rupees. Depending on the

exams, several visually impaired candidates have reportedly been asked

anywhere from Rs 1 lakh to 5 lakh from scribes.

The availability of scribes in exchange for a large amount of money

has made seeking payments in return for helping in exams an unsaid

norm. This puts candidates, especially those from low-income

backgrounds at a disadvantage.

In 2021, a 31-year-old person with visual impairment, Satvir Jogi, had

to miss his exam as he failed to find a scribe despite multiple

attempts. For Jogi, who has been applying for several government exams

in the last few years, arranging a scribe has always been a challenge.

“Due to a paucity of reading material for visually impaired candidates

— online and in physical form — even the preparation for an exam is

more difficult when compared to visually-abled candidates. To top it

off, we have the biggest challenge of finding scribes. How are these

exams fair and equal for us?” says Jogi.

He adds, “I have given from Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000 on multiple occasions

to scribes to write my paper. If a visually impaired candidate is

lucky, then they sometimes get a volunteer scribe on time, otherwise,

scribes demand money as per their wish for appearing for exams.”


Lack of resources and limited vacancies for the visually impaired has

made many take the illegal route as well. SK Singh, a rights activist

for people with visual impairment and secretary of the National

Association for the Blind, claimed that the scribe business is an open

secret now. It stems from a lack of scribe resources and other

challenges, including not enough material to prepare for exams and

fewer job vacancies for people with visual impairment.

They demand anywhere from Rs 2,000 to just appear for the exam to Rs 5

lakh to clear it. With the demand for more money, scribes also give

services to prepare on the behalf of the candidate and appear for the

exam, alleged SK Singh, a rights activist for people with visual

impairment and secretary of the National Association for the Blind.

“Unemployment rates are at an all-time high and everyone wants to

secure a job. Several scribes have found this opportunity to make

money out of it. They demand anywhere from Rs 2,000 to just appear for

the exam to Rs 5 lakh to clear it. With the demand for more money,

scribes also give services to prepare on the behalf of the candidate

and appear for the exam.”


To get to know some of the ‘proxy scribes’, News18 tried to contact a

few of them. One such person, who runs a coaching center in Mumbai,

told, “We have an academy. You only have to give us the

syllabus and make us meet the candidate. We are quite experienced at

it, so you don’t have to worry about passing the exam.”

He said, from teachers to students his academy has scribes candidates

of all ages and for various exams.

Speaking about the fee charged for being the scribe, he said it

depends on the exam. “While the fee is less for the non-technical

exams, the fee will be more for technical exams. But don’t worry about

the fee, we have an installment system also. A candidate can pay even

after they get a job,” he said.


The authorities, however, claim to not be aware of any ‘scribe

business’ going on in exams.

When News18 contacted the Department of Empowerment of Persons with

Disabilities, which is under the Ministry of Social Justice &

Empowerment, an official, on condition of anonymity, said, “Till now

we have not received any complaints of ‘scribe business’."

“In the future, however, if we get any such complaints we will inquire

about it. Meanwhile, if there are reports of policy being misused,

then the state government can inquire into it.”

The official added, “The policy is made for the betterment of the

candidates, but there are people who might take advantage of the

loophole, but there are bodies to look into it.”



The authorities have allegedly also failed to come to a consensus

about implementing guidelines for availing of scribe facilities. While

the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Employment

published the Guidelines for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in

August 2018 give candidates the option to either bring their own

scribes or request one from the exam-conducting body, in many cases

authorities deny candidates to bring their own scribe.

In the recently held TS TET exam, many candidates were uncertain till

hours before exams whether or not they will get a scribe. Candidates

from different districts of Telangana said that their admit cards

mentioned that candidates with 40 per cent disability can avail

scribes, however, there was no mention if they will be provided with a

scribe by the exam conducting body or if the students can get their

own scribe for the exam. The confusion escalated among the candidates

when the TSTET helpdesk set up in different districts of the State

provided mixed information to the candidates.

News18 tried to call some of the district helpdesk numbers to verify

the claims. An operator from the Hyderabad helpdesk said that

candidates will have to go to the exam centre a day before the exams

to inform the administration that they require a scribe and then they

will be allocated a scribe. Meanwhile, the Khammam helpdesk said the

candidates can get their scribes but they have to be only Class 9

qualified. However, Hyderabad’s helpdesk claimed that candidates

cannot get their scribe and only the exam-conducting body (Department

of School Education) will provide a scribe to candidates with


The TET convenor Radha Reddy denied the claims of confusion among the

candidates. She told New18, “There should be no confusion among the

candidates as these exams happen every year and candidates should know

that students cannot get their own scribes. Those who fit the

disability criteria will be provided with a scribe at the exam


While guidelines by Ministry clearly state that candidates have option

of bringing own scribe to seeking one from exam conducting bodies,

rules often change at state-level.

On informing the qualifications of scribes TSTET convenor said that

scribes will only be class 9 pass and inter-pass. The guidelines

issued by Ministry, however, suggest that scribes should not be more

than the minimum qualification criteria of the examination. However,

the qualification of the scribe/reader should always be matric or


Similar incidents of confusion over the scribes’ availability and

qualification are reported in multiple educational and recruitment



Activists have been demanding the government create scribe banks so

that any examinee can readily avail of certified scribes on a

voluntary basis. Under a watch, this can also put a stop to proxy

candidate business.

Activists cite the lack of Central or State-regulated scribe pools,

which can be accessed by anyone, to the burgeoning illegal scribe

business. To add to their woes, guidelines related to scribes are

unclear across the country.

SK Singh, says, “The government had come up with the qualification

guidelines to curb exam malpractices, but that is only working against

students. There can be multiple ways to curb malpractices. Why is the

onus not on the invigilators to check if the candidate is using the

help of their scribe or not? Putting a cap on the scribe’s

qualification curbs visually impaired and other candidates with

disabilities to appear for exams.”

The General Secretary of the National Platform for the Rights of the

Disabled, Muralidharan, said that these norms would only make it more

difficult for the candidates to find a scribe. He said, “If a national

and state scribe bank will be available, this will automatically curb

such practices.”

Founder of the All India Conference of the Blind, J L Paul, said,

“Under Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, all visually

impaired people have the right to education and the government should

make sure that they get it. There are no proper efforts made by the

government to make sure that all visually impaired students get a

scribe. For this, a national and a state scribe bank will be very


Calling the scribe qualification law draconian, another visually

impaired student Animesh, who has done his MA in International

Relations from Christ University Bangalore, said, “The government has

these rules to avoid malpractice but at the same time our

infrastructure is not that well developed. So first the government

should develop a network and then come up with such guidelines. Like

Ola and Uber, there should be online scribe pool apps through which we

can check the scribe’s qualifications and practise with them.”

This story is produced as part of the Laadli Media Fellowship 2022


What’s most important is to put the person first, the disability

second  Because we all are people first.



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