yeah, i guess its not new, at least Obama was better looking

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 3:26 PM Lewis Bergman <>

> Uhhh Nixon
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 3:12 PM Steve Jones <>
> wrote:
>> it used to be sitting presidents didnt spy on incoming presidents, or at
>> least get caught in the act.
>> I dont think there will be much of  a pulpit left for anyone. The left
>> had already "unfriended anyone who disagreed with them and isolated
>> themselves, then attacked any public space where any dissent would sit. so
>> the "racists" (a term used by morons with no depth) started moving
>> elsewhere with their time and money.
>> Nobody really listens to anything outside what they want to hear, so
>> pulpits arent very relevant today. but kids are remote now, less
>> indoctrination, so theyll start being "racists" soon too. You lose a ton of
>> control when you lose a year of indoctrination.
>> It is kind of fun watching whats going on at fox lately. Things started
>> turning when that bigot smith left, I didnt care for his hate, but I liked
>> 90 percent of his reporting. but once he left it was like they tried to
>> fill the agenda void internally and it turned into a pundit brawl. Hannity
>> went the way of Glenn beck, its a matter of time til hes wearing kleenex
>> box shoes and talking to cats, Tucker went from being a fun prick to just
>> being a prick, levin doesnt even hide his hatred of jews anymore, Its like
>> they decided they wanted to be jokes like lemon, cuomo, and cooper, but
>> multiplied to below the levels of msnbc, ratings reflective.
>> this whole thing is literally hilarious, watching the mirror image of
>> 2016 happen. the arrogant hypocrisy is great. I have to admit, I havent
>> been keeping up on most of it, since i watched it all in the 2016 season.
>> But I do enjoy the highlight reels. The best part of it is watching the
>> "winners"  still melting down, as expected. I am kinda disapponted that the
>> "losing" team isnt our burning cities like they 2016 losers did, but I
>> guess nobody expected anything different in that regard, turds dont polish.
>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 2:34 PM <> wrote:
>>> Used to be that former presidents never criticized sitting presidents.
>>> That went out the window with Obama/Trump.
>>> Now, it will be interesting to see if anyone will give Trump a pulpit
>>> from which to speak.  Will he become a fox news feature?  Perhaps at Miss
>>> America he will pontificate.  I am sure he will not be able to resist
>>> seeking publicity.
>>> *From:* Ken Hohhof
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:26 PM
>>> *To:* 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group'
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> Hmmm, I forgot he is DJ Trump.  Maybe his next career can be as a
>>> rapper, he already has the name.
>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:08 PM
>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 8:03 AM Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>> This is why the left cant meme. The lack of detail. Memelords would
>>> never have allowed that tie to make it through QC. 1/10
>>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 7:31 AM Jaime Solorza <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Yep..
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 9:38 PM Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>> The memes will be epic. The memelords havent even started shitposting,
>>> which is odd.  This is a 2 of 10 gem. The covid death memes from the street
>>> "celebrations" are going to be particularly ruthless.
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 10:26 PM Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>> God this is more entertaining than 2016
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 10:12 PM Jaime Solorza <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Barr is a Trump puppet.
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 7:07 PM Robert <> wrote:
>>> The only thing just getting started is the next level of FUD from the DUD
>>> On 11/9/20 5:51 PM, Chuck Macenski wrote:
>>> From Wikipedia: *The Gateway Pundit* is an American far-right
>>> <>[9]
>>> <> news and
>>> opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes,
>>> and conspiracy theories
>>> <>.[17]
>>> <>
>>> If someone has credible evidence that would overturn the election, it
>>> should absolutely be brought before the courts. At the moment, all of the
>>> evidence seems to point to a fair election where Donald Trump lost by over
>>> 4,000,000 votes.
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 7:34 PM Jaime Solorza <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Bullshit ..pure Bullshit
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 5:39 PM justsumname <> wrote:
>>> this thing is just getting started, gents.   It's only Monday.
>>> RealClearPolitics un-calls Pennsylvania for Biden.   The state is grey
>>> on their map, now.   Was Blue yesterday.
>>> I do not understand the vitriol against Mr Trump.   He's been an
>>> excellent President for all Americans.
>>> No I didn't ask... I can read everyone's comments, and I have.   For
>>> years.
>>> --
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 6:16 PM Chuck McCown <> wrote:
>>> I wish they could invent a secure method to vote online.  But it has to
>>> be resistant to buying and selling votes.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 9, 2020, at 3:52 PM, Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>> It's pretty straight forward to verify integrity of the vote. We have
>>> already dont it with covid test results. We are blind ballot meaning no one
>>> can see who you voted for. Covid result eliminated anyone's ability to
>>> claim their vote was stolen or manipulated since you can check your results
>>> with your code. You can do the same without recording a name.
>>> If there is any question of validity in a count, it can be verified,
>>> fairly quickly.
>>> Covid built us a system to have a secure vote. Inadvertant side effects
>>> are the best side effects.
>>> You register, you are assigned your key. Your registration can be
>>> verified legitimate. You can even vote online. The tracing infrastructure
>>> can be used to canvass a contested district for verification of vote
>>> accuracy.
>>> This is the last election where fraud can be claimed... inadvertant, as
>>> is most of the left's mistakes
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 12:20 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:
>>> The advantage to that is that the records will probably last a long
>>> time. OTOH, storage might become an issue.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/9/2020 10:16 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
>>> In our county, we have to quarry a stone tablet, cart it down to the
>>> office, make an X with a tar crayon, and be able to lift on to the ballet
>>> cart to have the vote count.
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 10:10 AM Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> Our county typically uses touchscreen machines for in-person voting,
>>> both early and day-of.  (A paper tape record is also printed out and can be
>>> verified by the voter)  Obviously these are very quick to process.
>>> Early voting sites were open for 15 days prior to the election.  In
>>> addition, there was one early voting site open 40 days prior to the
>>> election, but it used paper ballots.  Basically you filled out the same
>>> form as a mail-in ballot, sealed it, and dropped it in a box.  That’s how I
>>> voted and I was disappointed that was the process, I thought they would
>>> scan them through a “tabulator” as the last step, just like back when we
>>> used paper ballots for day-of voting.  I expected as the last step before
>>> leaving I would feed the paper ballot into a scanner.  Instead I sealed it
>>> in an envelope and dropped it in a box.
>>> All the paper ballots including early in-person and mail-in were
>>> required to sit in the locked boxes until something like 7am on election
>>> day before they could start processing them.  This was apparently also the
>>> case in many battleground states.  They weren’t even allowed to open the
>>> envelopes, uncrease the forms, check signatures, nothing.
>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
>>> *Sent:* Monday, November 9, 2020 9:52 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> In our county (and I have no idea if this is the norm in the rest of the
>>> state), they count them as they come in, but hold the results in a secure
>>> area until the close of the in-person polls. Ballots that are postmarked
>>> (if they were mailed) up until the day of the election will be accepted for
>>> a certain amount of time, but I don't know how long that is.
>>> We also have an online ballot tracking system. After we dropped our
>>> ballots off, we could go to a ballot status web site that told us (1) if
>>> the ballot had been received, and (2) if it had been accepted. It took 48
>>> hours for our ballots to show up in that system. I presume if our ballots
>>> had not been accepted, there is some sort of mechanism to go fix that, but
>>> I've never had to use it.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/9/2020 7:25 AM, wrote:
>>> Yes, some states are doing exactly that.
>>> *From:* Adam Moffett
>>> *Sent:* Monday, November 9, 2020 8:09 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> Scan them as they go, but don't publish the ongoing count.
>>> On 11/8/2020 4:45 PM, wrote:
>>> I think vote by mail and scan them as they arrive is the way to go.
>>> That way when the polls close you have an immediate count.
>>> *From:* Bill Prince
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, November 8, 2020 2:38 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> The whole punch card voting "system"  was doomed from the beginning. I
>>> remember using it when I lived in Santa Clara County  30 years ago or so.
>>> Even when you punched out a hole properly, the chads would sometime stick
>>> or hang on a corner.
>>> For quite some time now, we've been using the paper ballots where you
>>> fill in the square or the circle.
>>> I've also been registered as a permanent absentee for over a decade.
>>> When I voted (almost a month ago now), we filled out our ballots at the
>>> kitchen counter, and took them to a drop box the next day when we were
>>> running errands in town. The actual act of "voting" (if you want to call it
>>> that) took less than 1 minute as we just dropped the ballots off at one of
>>> dozens of drop boxes all over the county.Our county has (IIRC) 39 drop
>>> boxes for a population of ~~ 750,000, or about 1 drop box for every 20,000
>>> people.
>>> Pennsylvania still hasn't started counting the late arrival absentee
>>> ballots. All of the ones they've counted so far arrived before November 3,
>>> but for reasons I don't understand were not allowed to be counted until
>>> after the day-of voting. From the things I've read, there are only about
>>> 85,000 of them, and they are unlikely to do anything but extend Biden's
>>> cushion.
>>> I (for one) would be in favor of uniform voting/counting standards.
>>> Perhaps it would be a violation of state's rights, but on the other hand,
>>> there would be a lot less confusion when the time for voting comes around.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/8/2020 11:08 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
>>> Stop the vote in Pennsylvania but keep counting in Arizona.  It’s a
>>> Maxwell’s Demon approach.  Open the door when it helps me, close the door
>>> when it helps the other guy.
>>> That’s probably why the Supremes stopped the recounts in Bush v Gore,
>>> the Gore camp wanted to keep looking for errors but only in the counties
>>> where they thought it would help them.  But also the votes had already been
>>> counted (and recounted).  And there was the original Florida Man, some guy
>>> named Hanging Chad?  And the phone call and the retraction.
>>> Democrats to this day take it as gospel that Gore was robbed.  That does
>>> not bode well for half the country moving on from this election.
>>> *From:* AF *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, November 8, 2020 12:02 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> In Michigan we're demanding a recount. In Wisconsin we're demanding a
>>> decount. In Georgia it's opposites day.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/7/2020 8:27 PM, justsumname wrote:
>>> The declaration that Biden has won is premature.   This thing hasn't
>>> really gotten started yet.
>>> Judges don't hold court on the weekends.
>>> --
>>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 6:40 PM Jaime Solorza <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes good movie.
>>> More akin to today is Seven Days in May...March, Douglas, Lancaster...
>>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2020, 4:22 PM Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> The Founding Fathers didn’t account for the rise of political parties,
>>> which came soon enough.
>>> Somehow I’m reminded of the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.  Set
>>> in the fading days of the old west with territories becoming states and
>>> deciding who to elect as their representatives.  Should it be Jimmy Stewart
>>> the righteous lawyer, or Lee Marvin the outlaw gang leader?  The old
>>> fashioned idea that you sent the brightest and best educated person to
>>> Washington to represent you.  Hah!  Politicians are not held in great
>>> esteem today, and we would probably vote for Liberty Valance.  I assume
>>> everyone has seen the movie.  It’s an old John Ford western, in fact he
>>> shot it in B&W, but it’s a must see.  Look at the cast – Jimmy Stewart,
>>> John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Vera Miles, Andy Devine, Edmond O’Brien, John
>>> Caradine, Lee Van Cleef.
>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, November 7, 2020 4:46 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..
>>> The three-fifths compromise was enacted long before California existed.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/7/2020 12:54 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote:
>>> Uhhhh. No. The EC was created so that California has the same voice
>>> power as Rhode Island.
>>> On Nov 7, 2020, at 3:17 PM, Bill Prince
>>> wrote:
>>> Could have been over on Tuesday if we didn't have the silly Electoral
>>> College shenanigans; which actually evolved from the crazy slave is 3/5 of
>>> a person nonsense. Here we are ~~ 250 years later and we're still dealing
>>> with decisions we made about slaves.
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 11/7/2020 11:15 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>> We have spoken.
>>> Righteous Indignation
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> Lewis Bergman
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