FSM +1

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 2:47 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <
thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeezus is an abomination. Cheesewiz, now there is a worthy saviour
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:
>> Or Yeezus?
>> *From:* That One Guy /sarcasm <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 08, 2015 2:07 PM
>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT - which religion should I join (was which gun
>> toby)...
>> jebus and only jebus
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:
>>> <grin>
>>> *From:* Paul McCall <pa...@pdmnet.net>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 08, 2015 1:59 PM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>> and why
>>> The conversation was me asking for what type of guns people preferred
>>> for CCW J - the title reads “which to buy and why”
>>> Seemed like a reasonable thing to ask of people I respect
>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Patrick Leary
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 08, 2015 3:01 PM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>> and why
>>> “. But in retrospect I see what your original statement was, and you
>>> are correct, it is, in fact pathetic that this conversation needs to take
>>> place. We are not a civil society, its pathetic we are arrogant enough to
>>> kid ourselves about that.”
>>> Bingo. Thank you for your reading comprehension. Others read it and came
>>> claiming I called members pathetic, which is not possibly a correct
>>> interpretation given the simple and unambiguous sentence I wrote.
>>> Comprehension is a problem in this country. As I make clear to my kids,
>>> calling an action they may do “foolish” or “dumb,” is not even remotely the
>>> same as calling them foolish or dumb. I find it distressing that adults
>>> confuse the difference.
>>> As well, maybe some read the word “pathetic,” but have no sense of its
>>> authentic definition, instead thinking it a personal insult, akin to
>>> calling another a “loser!”
>>> pa·thet·ic
>>> pəˈTHedik/
>>> *adjective*
>>> adjective: *pathetic*
>>> 1.    *1*.
>>> arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.
>>> "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her"
>>> synonyms:
>>> pitiful
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+pitiful&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIHTAA>,
>>> pitiable
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+pitiable&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIHjAA>,
>>> piteous
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+piteous&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIHzAA>,
>>> moving
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+moving&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIIDAA>,
>>> touching
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+touching&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIITAA>,
>>> poignant
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+poignant&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIIjAA>,
>>> plaintive
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+plaintive&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIIzAA>,
>>> distressing
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+distressing&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIJDAA>,
>>> upsetting, heartbreaking
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+heartbreaking&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIJTAA>,
>>> heart-rending
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+heart-rending&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIJjAA>,
>>> harrowing
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+harrowing&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIJzAA>,
>>> wretched
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+wretched&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIKDAA>,
>>> forlorn
>>> <https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&q=define+forlorn&ved=0ahUKEwjqqJzuhc3JAhXHPiYKHRITA8sQ_SoIKTAA>
>>> "a pathetic groan"
>>> Cheers,
>>> -          Patrick
>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com <af-boun...@afmug.com>] *On
>>> Behalf Of *That One Guy /sarcasm
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 8, 2015 2:23 PM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>> and why
>>> Why am I getting left out?
>>> I have no doubt the majority of people would not perform as heroically
>>> as they anticipate they would. But better to fail than be a victim. With
>>> that, however should come a great deal of responsibility, first and
>>> foremost, you are responsible for your own actions. If you try to be a
>>> hero, and you shoot a bystander, be prepared for the consequence. If you
>>> try to be a hero, and you are shot by a responding professional, that is
>>> also a consequence of being a shooter in an active shooter situation.
>>> I would venture a guess there are alot of shootings that happen where a
>>> CCW holder was present that you dont hear about because when push came to
>>> shove, they stayed holstered and fled, as it should be. But once again,
>>> better to have the option to defend and choose not to use it than to have
>>> no option aside from being a victim.
>>> The US has too many vague interpretations of freedom, that is why it is
>>> so dangerous here. You could arm every person with a howitzer and a sword,
>>> it would be no more dangerous. Our criminals are entitled punks. They know
>>> that our prison systems are not gulags or work camps, The expenditures from
>>> our correctional systems on entertainment alone is astounding, and we no
>>> longer offer reform or re-education, our sentencing guidelines are such
>>> that it is a better gamble to shoot first than leave witnesses.
>>> We have an abused welfare system that has become a generational
>>> lifestyle and are not allowed to empower those who live in it for fear of
>>> repercussions of some form of discrimination. We have systems in place to
>>> specifically train those most at risk for criminality to hate those who
>>> succeed as being thieves of entitlements. Those at risk are further chained
>>> by inherent beliefs within their communities that trying to change for the
>>> better is selling out from what is real.
>>> Then, we have the lunatics, whos actions are treated as common, when in
>>> reality they are so few and far between they barely even account for any
>>> measurable component of the criminality in this country. Lunatics, you
>>> truly can do little for, whether it be lunacy in ones religion or political
>>> beliefs, or just fucking nuts, they will do what they do when they do it
>>> without any warning that doesnt require hindsight.  Mass shootings should
>>> be the least of anyone's concern. We have yet to have a mass shooting in
>>> the country that beats the average week in our major cities.
>>> Whether something is listed as terrorism, mental illness, or a hate
>>> crime is what our country focuses on, not what the underlying issue is that
>>> brings it out, criminality.
>>> Between the overbearing reach of our federal, state and local government
>>> into our personal lives and the lack of any actual meaningful approach to
>>> limit, hinder, or avoid criminality in the United States, there really is
>>> no limit to the need for bigger, better, faster, more firepower among the
>>> general population. Because at the end of the day the United State is a
>>> selfish nation, and no matter how much cuckolding to the government we
>>> portray, or communal love for our fellow man we present, it is in reality
>>> every man for himself here, and dont let anyone ever fool you about that.
>>> So really, given what the United States really is, and not what we
>>> present, it is irresponsible to not be prepared. But in retrospect I see
>>> what your original statement was, and you are correct, it is, in fact
>>> pathetic that this conversation needs to take place. We are not a civil
>>> society, its pathetic we are arrogant enough to kid ourselves about that.
>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Patrick Leary <patrick.le...@telrad.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> You describe the main reason I own one. I work from home, and not far
>>> from a janky area and what you describe is a potential problem. I don’t
>>> carry though. I also have a large, scary dog.
>>> -          Patrick
>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Chuck Hogg
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 8, 2015 12:33 PM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>> and why
>>> I regularly carry my KelTec P3AT, looks like a cell phone in my pocket.
>>> It doesn't have a safety, but I don't carry it with a round chambered.  I'm
>>> in a pretty rural farming area, and there are a lot of migrant workers.
>>> With that has brought more burglary type of crime.  The standard to do is
>>> go knock on all the doors.  If nobody answers, they break in.  My office is
>>> in the front of my house, and I have had this encounter 4 times since
>>> living there about 9 years.  The last 2 times I have walked out gun in
>>> hand.  It's interesting, they only turn around and don't even get out of
>>> the car.  I know what they are there for and so do they.  I also have
>>> cameras all over my property, so I know when people come and go.
>>> Regards,
>>> Chuck
>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Christopher Tyler <
>>> ch...@totalhighspeed.net> wrote:
>>> It's not a US thing...
>>> http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html
>>> --
>>> Christopher Tyler
>>> Total Highspeed Internet Services
>>> 417.851.1107
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Sean Heskett" <af...@zirkel.us>
>>> To: af@afmug.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 8:42:11 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy and
>>> why
>>> Sometimes I just like stirring the pot ;)
>>> I'm not saying one way is better or worse.  BUT our current system
>>> obviously seems to be failing because we are the only 1st world country
>>> with a mass shooting problem of this magnitude.
>>> -Sean
>>> On Monday, December 7, 2015, George Skorup <geo...@cbcast.com> wrote:
>>> > So then you'll take your guns to the police or sheriff and tell them
>>> you
>>> > don't need them anymore?
>>> >
>>> > On 12/7/2015 9:43 PM, Sean Heskett wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Australia had a gun problem...until it didn't anymore.
>>> >
>>> > Just sayin
>>> >
>>> > -Sean
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Monday, December 7, 2015, Chuck McCown <
>>> > <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ch...@wbmfg.com');>ch...@wbmfg.com
>>> > <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ch...@wbmfg.com');>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> On the assault rifle issue, are we just arguing about magazine size?
>>> >>
>>> >> Or does it need a handle on top and a pistol grip?
>>> >> How does a BAR differ from an AR?  Assuming they are the same caliber.
>>> >> BAR is OK because it only shoots deer, but the AR is for shooting
>>> people?
>>> >> Wood stock good, green metal and plastic bad?
>>> >>
>>> >> Semi automatic deer hunting rifles are OK, right?
>>> >>
>>> >> Is this a distinction without a difference?
>>> >>
>>> >> *From:* Sean Heskett
>>> >> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2015 3:31 PM
>>> >> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> >> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>> >> and why
>>> >>
>>> >> i have a Glock23 .40cal works great but it's not quite a "conceal
>>> carry"
>>> >> size.  I have it (unloaded and trigger locked) in my survival pack
>>> that
>>> >> stays in my airplane incase of an emergency landing in the back
>>> country ;-)
>>> >>
>>> >> i'm also a Progressive Libtard (registered independent) that thinks we
>>> >> should ban assault rifles and large magazines just as we have banned
>>> hand
>>> >> grenades, bombs, rocket launchers and other military style/grade
>>> weapons.
>>> >> I've had my Hunter's safety card since I was 12 and I also went to
>>> high
>>> >> school next to Columbine in CO.  My younger sister had friends who
>>> died in
>>> >> the attack.
>>> >>
>>> >> 2 cents.
>>> >>
>>> >> -Sean
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 3:01 PM, James Howard <ja...@litewire.net
>>> >> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ja...@litewire.net');>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> It wasn’t just the backstrap that bothered me.  Mostly the diamond
>>> >>> pattern just didn’t feel good in my hands.  I just did a bit of
>>> looking now
>>> >>> though and it looks like there are some options for fixing that.  I
>>> might
>>> >>> have to look into them again.  I really like the Sig P938 so far
>>> though.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I missed your comment about Glock fanboys.  Shocking we haven’t had
>>> any
>>> >>> so far but the thread devolved into politics from a simple question
>>> of what
>>> >>> brand/model of pistol we like.  For the record, I’ve yet to meet a
>>> Glock
>>> >>> that I’d want to own.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Josh
>>> Reynolds
>>> >>> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2015 11:08 AM
>>> >>> *To:* af@afmug.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','af@afmug.com');>
>>> >>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to
>>> buy
>>> >>> and why
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> XDS has replaceable grip backstraps.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 11:04 AM, James Howard <ja...@litewire.net
>>> >>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ja...@litewire.net');>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Sig P938 is 9mm and almost exactly the same size as a P238.  I’ve got
>>> >>> the SAS model (anti snag).  I’ve also got a S&W M&P Shield in 9mm
>>> and have
>>> >>> looked at the Springfield XDS many times.  I just can’t get over the
>>> fact
>>> >>> that I don’t like the grips on the XDS.  Prime reason to go with the
>>> XDS is
>>> >>> that you can get it in 45ACP.  There are a lot of cheaper brands out
>>> there
>>> >>> too.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> If you have a place where you can do it, go and test fire all the
>>> >>> different options.  My father-in-law bought a Glock 36 because
>>> several
>>> >>> people told him how great they were.  The problem is that it doesn’t
>>> fit
>>> >>> his hand well at all and the trigger digs into his finger so he
>>> shoots
>>> >>> terrible with it.  His accuracy is greatly improved using my M&P
>>> Shield.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> No matter what you get though.  A major key to carrying it safely is
>>> >>> practice and being comfortable with it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com
>>> >>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','af-boun...@afmug.com');>] *On Behalf
>>> Of *Simon
>>> >>> Westlake
>>> >>> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2015 10:09 AM
>>> >>> *To:* af@afmug.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','af@afmug.com');>
>>> >>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to
>>> buy
>>> >>> and why
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> That was one thing I forgot to mention with the P238.. it has a
>>> manual
>>> >>> safety as well, if that's important to you. I personally don't
>>> really care,
>>> >>> but it's another good point.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On 12/7/2015 10:07 AM, Jeremy wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> A lot of people are carrying a gun that has no safety.  The safety is
>>> >>> released by squeezing the trigger, essentially.  I have kids, and
>>> although
>>> >>> I plan to keep my gun far away from them, I cannot on a clear
>>> conscience
>>> >>> carry a gun with no safety.  I have been considering a revolver.  My
>>> bro
>>> >>> has a CC and he recommends something smaller, so it doesn't jab you
>>> in the
>>> >>> side whenever you sit down.  I am still looking for the right gun
>>> for a
>>> >>> CC.  I've already had a gun pulled on my at a job.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Paul McCall <pa...@pdmnet.net
>>> >>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','pa...@pdmnet.net');>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I am getting my CC permit (Florida) in a week or so.  I took an
>>> >>> absolutely excellent class from the main trainer at the Brevard
>>> county
>>> >>> sheriff’s office.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Now, I am looking for an excellent CC gun to use, as my long barrel
>>> Colt
>>> >>> 38 is not a good fit for that.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I am certain that this group probably has a LOT of expertise (and
>>> many
>>> >>> opinions) on THE gun to use.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> J
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Paul McCall, Pres.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> PDMNet / Florida Broadband
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 658 Old Dixie Highway
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Vero Beach, FL 32962
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 772-564-6800 office
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 772-473-0352 cell
>>> >>>
>>> >>> <http://www.pdmnet.com/>www.pdmnet.com
>>> >>>
>>> >>> pa...@pdmnet.net <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','pa...@pdmnet.net');>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> --
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Simon Westlake
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Skype: Simon_Sonar
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Email: simon@sonar.software
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Phone: (702) 447-1247 <%28702%29%20447-1247>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ---------------------------
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Sonar Software Inc
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The next generation of ISP billing and OSS
>>> >>>
>>> >>> https://sonar.software
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ------------------------------
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *Total Control Panel*
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Login <https://asp.reflexion.net/login?domain=litewire.net>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> To: ja...@litewire.net
>>> >>> <
>>> https://asp.reflexion.net/address-properties?aID=242260993&domain=litewire.net
>>> >
>>> >>>
>>> >>> From:
>>> >>>
>>> 000001517d3415cf-66b7e94a-eb36-4342-aec8-b7c2a7704706-000...@amazonses.com
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Remove
>>> >>> <
>>> https://asp.reflexion.net/FooterAction?ver=3&un-wl-sender-domain=1&hID=13241532244&domain=litewire.net
>>> >
>>> >>> amazonses.com from my allow list
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *You received this message because the domain amazonses.com
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>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ------------------------------
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *Total Control Panel*
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Login <https://asp.reflexion.net/login?domain=litewire.net>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> To: ja...@litewire.net
>>> >>> <
>>> https://asp.reflexion.net/address-properties?aID=242260993&domain=litewire.net
>>> >
>>> >>>
>>> >>> From:
>>> >>>
>>> 000001517d6a5921-c631d60e-4ee1-4353-bdea-5718091edc40-000...@amazonses.com
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Remove
>>> >>> <
>>> https://asp.reflexion.net/FooterAction?ver=3&un-wl-sender-domain=1&hID=13242568244&domain=litewire.net
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>>> >>> amazonses.com from my allow list
>>> >>>
>>> >>> *You received this message because the domain amazonses.com
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>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
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>> --
>> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
>> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.
> --
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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