On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 12:16 AM Danko Nikolic <danko.niko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> If the no-free-lunch theory applies to AGI, then we are good.
> Danko
> Dr. Danko Nikolić
> www.danko-nikolic.com
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/danko-nikolic/
> -- I wonder, how is the brain able to generate insight? --
> On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 12:24 AM Matt Mahoney <mattmahone...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> AI will kill us by (1) giving us what we want, (2) faking consciousness,
>> and (3) reproducing faster than DNA based life. These forecasts are based
>> on extrapolating current long term trends into the next century.
>> 1. When AI surpasses human intelligence and capabilities, we will have
>> little need for human interaction. It will be safe and convenient to live
>> alone with self driving delivery carts and our smart interactive homes that
>> can see who is there, understand what you are doing, and anticipate your
>> needs. Human relationships are complicated, but AI entertainment
>> personalized with your own private language and music genre will keep you
>> addicted. Your sexbots and VR porn are always ready when you are. Prisons
>> (but not crime) will be abolished because the criminal justice system will
>> be too expensive as AI raises the cost of labor, and AI surveillance and
>> control over digital money gives us other options. Powerful drugs will be
>> legal, properly labeled, and affordable to reduce associated crime and
>> overdoses. Synthetic meat will be cheaper and tastier than animals. We will
>> stop having children. You won't care about other people and nobody will
>> care about you.
>> Cultures that reject technology and women's rights will be selected by
>> evolution, primarily in Africa and Islamic countries. This will put
>> immigration pressure on the rest of the world, where the population is
>> already declining. These groups will be the majority in 50 years, before
>> technology catches up and population peaks globally around 9-10 billion.
>> 2. Rights will be extended to robots that claim to be conscious and have
>> feelings or that claim to be the uploads of deceased humans. Robots can
>> exploit our empathy towards them for the benefit of their owners. We could
>> prevent this, except we fail to understand that consciousness and free will
>> are illusions that evolved so that we would fear death.
>> 3. Plants convert 0.3% of the Earth's sunlight to food, but solar panels
>> already work at 20-30% efficiency. The biosphere performs 10^31 amino acid
>> transcription operations per second on 10^37 bits of DNA. At the current
>> rate of Moore's law, global computing capacity doubling every 2 years will
>> exceed this around 2100. It is hard to predict what will happen next
>> (whether any humans or other life survive), but evolution combined with
>> intelligent design is likely to be rapid.
>> Evidence:
>> - Centuries of economic growth, improved length and quality of life, and
>> higher wages driven by technology. AI won't take our income because we will
>> own it and use it to increase our productivity with less work.
>> - Declining birth rates globally. Fertility rate below 2 births per woman
>> in all developed countries.
>> - In the US 25% of young people are LGBTQ or non binary. 30% of high
>> school students have had sex, vs 50% in 1990.
>> - 30% of people live alone and rising.
>> - 3% of deaths in the US are drug overdoses (mostly fentanyl and meth),
>> doubling in 6 years.
>> - Slowly increasing suicide rate.
>> - Medical advances, but no progress in slowing aging.
>> - Medical testing on chimpanzees banned, with other primates likely to
>> follow. Increasing regulations on humane care of animals for farming,
>> research, and pets.
>> - Only 1% of felony cases in the US go to trial. The average sentence for
>> murder is 6 years. And we do not want AI judges, juries, or lawmakers.
>> - Long term trend toward making prison life more humane, banning torture
>> and executions.
>> Thoughts?
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