Newcomb's paradox is another proof of Wolpert's theorem. It assumes that
you and ND can both predict each others actions, and shows that this
assumption leads to a contradiction. ND can simulate a copy of your mind
and predict whether you will take one box or both. You can simulate ND
because you are given the rules that the black box contains $1M only if you
don't take the clear $1000 box. Both can't be true.

Wolpert's proof. Suppose two programs simultaneously output a bit. One wins
if the bits are the same and the other wins if they are opposite. Each
program has as input a copy of the source code and initial state of the
other, which they can run to predict the other player's move. Who wins?

Corollary. A computer (or brain) cannot simulate or model itself. It cannot
predict it's own output. Proof: this is a special case of both computers

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 2:02 PM James Bowery <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 12:11 PM Matt Mahoney <>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 2:15 AM Quan Tesla <> wrote:
>>> I can't find one good reason why greater society (the world nations)
>>> would all be ok with artificial control of their humanity and sources of
>>> life by tyrants.
>> Because we want AGI to give us everything we want.
> "We" is a big concept.
>> Wolpert's law says that two computers cannot mutually model or predict
>> each other. (Or else who would win rock scissors paper?)
> To the best of my knowledge, Chris Langan's resolution of Newcomb's
> Paradox <> involves a self-dual
> stratification of simulator/simulated, in which case "there is no contest"
> between the "two computers" as one is simulated by the other.  This can't
> be countered by claiming one is introducing an assumption of bidirectional
> causality since it is equally if not more valid to claim that the
> *constraint* of unidirectionality is an assumption -- and only
> *constraints* really count as assumptions.
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