@ John

Thanks for the useful input. Stuff to think about.

The GRAPE system in Japan provides an indication of the level of hardware 
required. I'm no hardware expert, but I get what they are on about. I read 
somewhere that a parallel link test was conducted with Playstation 3's, and 
they actually managed to get a significant performance out of them. GMU's are 
going to get smaller and cheaper and faster and faster, apparently. Let's keep 
our eyes on those then. 

To me, the internet's issue would be issues of bandwidth and delay and routing 
(latency) and so on, and off course availability and robustness and all such 
stuff. Bad choice overall, in my view. Skype apparently uses the spare 
resources on personal computers well, and probably other webapps too, but not 
for this level of computing.   

On-board, data-transmission speeds today as the equivalent of the silicon 
connectors (do we still call them cables?) used in the GRAPE and other systems. 

I would love to be part of a team to build an adaptive, learning machine. While 
I await such a wonderful opportunity, I'm researching and designing away.

The "problem" I would like to address is how to connect a 3D printer to the 
wormhole in our universe, via an adaptive, learning communication service.

Well, in my mind, that's how the movie plays out anyways.


> From: a...@listbox.com
> To: a...@listbox.com
> Subject: RE: [agi] Couple thoughts
> Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:23:50 -0500
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nanograte Knowledge Technologies via AGI [mailto:a...@listbox.com]
> > 
> > 
> > The 100 billion star problem in computing, I think it is called that, may
> be a
> > realistic approximation of the scale of the challenge in processing, let
> alone
> > design, faced by quantum computing. I include this perspective for us to
> keep
> > in mind as all elements of such a system should probably be of its optimal
> > compression value, meaning as short as effectively possible.
> > 
> Yes it would be great to have a centralized system but I've pretty much
> given up on that depending on what you mean by "speed of transmission".
> You're thinking about potentially building hardware I'm more thinking about
> using existing contemporary hardware and perhaps use computers on the
> internet they are like 100 billion stars separated by milliseconds and
> effectively kilobits per second. But using a few good computers networked
> well, still relatively easy and inexpensive to build and many companies do
> this internally or cloudwise, you can get some pretty good coupled resources
> going. Computational resource topology effects design. People on this list
> before have sneered at milliseconds between nodes basically their design
> demands microseconds or better.
> A reason I've been looking into bacteria is that they are decentralized and
> highly asynchronous to say the least, I don't know if there are quantum
> networks involved. I argue that by some definitions bacteria are more
> intelligent than humans and might out-survive us. Look at the "rise of
> slime" in the oceans for example. 
> Layers are perspective, agents can be multilayer, mutable, trans-layer. In
> your complex adaptive system (CAS) are you focused on having a high degree
> of self-similarity since you had suggested a fractal based computation?
> Just curious - what type of problems are you looking at tackling initially?
> AGI? The system I discussed is proto-AGI with initial intent to perform
> reaction behavior on various complex systems phenomena.
> John
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