
> I volunteered to help work towards the Singularity.

If you'd like to explore the possibility of working on our Novamente AGI
project, let me know...

Regarding programming languages for AGI, we've designed a programming
language called Sasha [named after late Extropian Sasha Chislenko] intended
for use with Novamente.

At first we intend to use it to script "schemata" (small control programs)
to run within Novamente [which is a C++ program].

Gradually, if Sasha matures well, we may rewrite more and more of
Novamente's AI code as Sasha-coded schemata, leaving the C++ Novamente
system as a kind of "OS layer"....  This will support robust
self-modification, because self-modification of C++ code is gonna require a
lot more general intelligence than self-modification of Sasha code.

Sasha is not being actively worked on right now, because with our limited
staff, there are other things of higher priority.

Sasha is not really as radical as Flare: it's a kind of hybrid
functional/logical programming language with a vaguely Python-esque syntax.
We're not trying to break new ground in programming languages, just trying
to create a language that matches internal Novamente structures as closely
as possible, while being reasonably usable by humans.  And the Sasha design
is tentative and may be revised somewhat as Novamente design rpogresses.

-- Ben G

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