> Of course supporting actions from Novamente is a whole new ball game.
> That won't be possible until the schema modules are implemented.
> T

In case anyone is curious, the status of that is as follows..

1) Cassio & Senna, in Brazil, are currently working on an initial version of
the Novamente schema module that will deal with simple schema & predicates
only.  This will let us do some datamining apps with schema/predicates, and
also deal with basic issues regarding the integration of schema with the
rest of the system...

2) Luke Kaiser (another excellent volunteer, based in Poland) has
implemented a higher-order schema module [which can express all actions, no
matter how complex] but it's in the debugging/tuning phase, it won't be
integrated with the main Novamente system till early 2003 sometime....

So we are chugging toward our goal but with a small staff it's slow.  The
Brazilian team spends much of their time on our commercial bioinformatics
apps (see www.biomind.biz .. soon to be moved to www.biomind.com ;), and
there are only a few of those excellent volunteers at the moment....  But we
are getting there!!

I have to add that at Webmind Inc. we had a large staff, and discovered the
problems with that as well.  Too many people, too much stuff to manage, not
enough stuff to carefully review and re-review each aspect of the complex
integrative design as it's implemented.  As we gradually increase the
Novamente team I guess we'll find an optimal size, which will be bigger than
we are now but smaller than the Webmind R&D team was...

-- Ben

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