> On 12/9/02 7:13 PM, "Pei Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On this issue, we can distinguish 4 approaches:
> >
> > (1) let symbols get their meaning through "interpretation" (provided in
> > another language) --- this is the approach used in traditional
> symbolic AI.
> >
> > (2) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on textual experience ---
> > this is what I and Kevin suggested.
> >
> > (3) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on simplified perceptual
> > experience  --- this is what Ben and Shane suggested.
> >
> > (4) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on human-level perceptual
> > experience --- this is what Brooks (the robotics researcher at MIT) and
> > Harnad (who raised the "symbol grounding" issue in the first place)
> > proposed.
> I can be put pretty much in the (2) camp.  This is adequate for
> proving the
> basic capability of the system and you can incrementally add (3+)
> later.  I
> mostly view this as a pragmatic engineering issue though; no need to
> unnecessarily complicate the test environment until you can prove
> the system
> is capable of handling the simplest environment.  It is a much easier
> development trajectory unless you believe that (3) or (4) are an absolute
> minimum for the system to work at all (obviously I don't).

Well, we feel that a simple 2D shape-recognition/creation environment is
actually going to be *easier* for intuitively tuning system parameters and
exploring system behavior, than purely textual & formal-language

But we are just starting this aspect of testing, and will tell y'all how it
goes, over the next N months...

-- Ben G

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