On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Pei Wang wrote:

> On this issue, we can distinguish 4 approaches:
> (1) let symbols get their meaning through "interpretation" (provided in
> another language) --- this is the approach used in traditional symbolic AI.
> (2) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on textual experience ---
> this is what I and Kevin suggested.
> (3) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on simplified perceptual
> experience  --- this is what Ben and Shane suggested.
> (4) let symbols get their meaning by grounding on human-level perceptual
> experience --- this is what Brooks (the robotics researcher at MIT) and
> Harnad (who raised the "symbol grounding" issue in the first place)
> proposed.

I believe Cyc presently fits the first approach, as Cyc does not currently
learn from experience, nor does it yet learn from reading text.  However,
I and others at Cycorp desire to move Cyc development in the direction of
approach (2).


Stephen L. Reed                  phone:  512.342.4036
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