Vladimir, I agree with you on many issues, but...

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 9:03 PM, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  This way, for example, it should be possible to teach a 'modality' for
>  understanding simple graphs encoded as text, so that on one hand
>  text-based input is sufficient, and on the other hand system
>  effectively perceives simple vector graphics. This trick can be used
>  to explain spacial concepts from natural language. But, again, video
>  camera might be a simpler and more powerful way to the same end, even
>  if visual processing is severely limited.

Vector graphics can indeed be communicated to an AGI by relatively
low-bandwidth textual input. But, unfortunately,
the physical world is not made of vector graphics, so reducing the
physical world to vector graphics is quite lossy (and computationally
expensive an sich). I'm not sure whether you're assuming that vector
graphics is very useful for AGI, but I would disagree.

> Prewiring sensory input in a certain way merely pushes learning in
> certain direction, just like inbuilt drives bias action in theirs.

Who said perception needs to be prewired? Perception should be made
efficient by exploiting statistical regularities in the data, not
assuming them per se. Regularities in the data (captured by your world
model) should tell you where to focus your attention on *most* of the
time, not *all* the time ;)

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