On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 11:33 PM, Kingma, D.P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Vector graphics can indeed be communicated to an AGI by relatively
>  low-bandwidth textual input. But, unfortunately,
>  the physical world is not made of vector graphics, so reducing the
>  physical world to vector graphics is quite lossy (and computationally
>  expensive an sich). I'm not sure whether you're assuming that vector
>  graphics is very useful for AGI, but I would disagree.

I referred to manually providing explanation in conversational format.
Of course it's lossy, but whether it's lossy compared to the real
world is not an issue, it's much more important how it compares to
'gist' scheme that we extract from full vision. It's clearly not much.
Vision allows to attend to any of huge number of details present in
the input, but there are only few details seen at a time. When a
specific issue needs a spacial explanation, it can be carried out by
explicitly specifying its structure in vector graphics.

>  > Prewiring sensory input in a certain way merely pushes learning in
>  > certain direction, just like inbuilt drives bias action in theirs.
>  Who said perception needs to be prewired? Perception should be made
>  efficient by exploiting statistical regularities in the data, not
>  assuming them per se. Regularities in the data (captured by your world
>  model) should tell you where to focus your attention on *most* of the
>  time, not *all* the time ;)

By prewiring I meant a trivial level, like routing signals from the
retina to certain places in the brain, from the start suggesting that
nearby pixels on the retina are close together, and making temporal
synchrony of signals to be approximately the same as in image on the
retina. Bad prewiring would consist in sticking signals from pixels on
the retina to random parts of the brain, with random delays. It would
take much more effort to acquire good visual perception in this case
(and would be impossible on brain wetware).

Vladimir Nesov

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