
I presume that you were referring to (worst offender) ME here!

On 4/16/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a quick reminder about list protocol:  if you want to send someone a
> document (especially a pdf), please remember to send it to their personal
> email address, rather than send it to the entire list.

One such PDF ended up connecting with Josh who is REALLY into hardware
design, and a really interesting thread developed that, who knows, may lead
to the magic chip needed to implement AGI. This alone may be worth the

However, I DID send a bunch of stuff before I realized that it was going to
the entire list - sorry about that. I will limit myself to at most one
CAREFULLY-chosen PDF per posting in the future.

I propose that someone move this list to Yahoo, that provides storage space,
along with many other useful tools, like surveys.

Or, better yet, make it available on a website.
> Some of us still collect their mail on a low bandwidth connection
> sometimes,

Including me.

and it can be hell to wait 20 minutes just to check your mail.

Not with Gmail and other web-based services. They keep the attachments on
their servers until they are clicked on. Who the heck uses POP3 with dialup?

Steve Richfield

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