Steve Richfield said (regarding his Dr Eliza system):

I cannot see ANY argument that it is NOT novel AI. Certainly no one expressed any such doubts at the WORLDCOMP conferences where it was presented and demonstrated.

Maybe, but WORLDCOMP doesn't appear to be a particularly serious conference. Your "papers" included many pages of off-topic ranting, that simply would not be accepted at a legitimate venue.

Novelty isn't a matter of consensus opinion. It doesn't matter how your system has been recieved by others in the past. Even though your explanation of the system is sketchy, I see a lot in common with Expert Systems and I'm not the only one on this list saying the same thing. Expert systems are more than just "fault trees" - visit the library of your local university and carefully check out a book on the topic (it doesn't matter if the book is 15 years old). Surely it is in your best interest and in the spirit of honest scientific research to follow up this lead in detail to discover whether you are reinventing the wheel, rather than attempting to ignore our suggestions and argue the point?

I've read your additional comments on this list and still stand by my claims that as far as I can tell from your description of Dr Eliza, it probably isn't novel AI. If there is any innovation, my feeling is that it lies in having found a user-interface that may lead to better user acceptance of an Expert System.


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