2008/6/4 John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Actually you are on to something. Since there are patterns in the rock,
> molecular, granular, electronic, subatomic the rock has string of bits that
> represent time frame samples of consciousness recordings. So I mean if they
> were played with the right equipment in a certain way you might be able to
> extract short consciousness clip recordings.
> Hey wait a sec - is a string of bits that represents consciousness,
> conscious? Or does there have to be a victrola. Does time have to be a
> variable? Hm...
> John

This is the conscious rainstorm argument, which says that if information
alone can create conscious experience then it can lead to 'absurd' results,
like only a tiny-tiny-ultra-tiny-tiny portion of conscious experience is
created by "real" brains.

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