> From: J Storrs Hall, PhD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Actually, the nuclear spins in the rock encode a single state of an
> ongoing
> computation (which is conscious). Successive states occur in the rock's
> counterparts in adjacent branes of the metauniverse, so that the rock is
> conscious not of unfolding time, as we see it, but of a journey across
> probability space.
> What is the rock thinking?
> " T h i s   i s   w a a a y   o f f   t o p i c . . . "

I never would have thought of that. To come up with something as good I
would have to explore consciousness and anti-consciousness,
potential-consciousness, stuff like that.

But kicking around these ideas really shouldn't hurt. You could build AGI
and make the darn thing appear conscious. But what fun is that if you know
it's fake? Or are we all fake? Are we all just automatons or is it like -
I'm the only one conscious and all the rest of you are all simulations in MY
world space, p-zombies, bots, you'll all fake so if I want to take over the
world and expunge all you droids, there are no religious repercussions, as
long as I could pull it off without being terminated.


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