
OK, that seems fair. Perhaps you will let me get away with a weaker statement:

Since it is convenient to *pretend* that computers are Turing machines
rather than finite-state machines when doing theoretical work, it is
*also* convenient to pretend that Godelian limitations are all that
apply to AI designs. To actually implement the thing, we need to keep
the finite-state limitations in mind. As hardware improves, and
*particular* finite-state inability will melt away (providing some
justification for pretending that Godelian limitations are the
important ones). But, of course, an infinite number of such
restrictions will remain.


On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:09 AM, Dr. Matthias Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The limitations of Godelian completeness/incompleteness are a subset of the
> much stronger limitations of finite automata.
> If you want to build a spaceship to go to mars it is of no practical
> relevance to think whether it is theoretically possible to move through
> wormholes in the universe.
> I think, this comparison is adequate to evaluate the role of Gödel's theorem
> for AGI.
> - Matthias

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