A further off-the-cuff thought re the vagueness/open-endedness of words.

*All words are generalisations.
*Generalisations cover open-ended groups of individuals. 
*Generalisations are, strictly, fictions. The only reality is individuals. 
"There are no "humans/human race","cats", "dogs" only individual humans, cats, 
dogs etc. - Fido, Rover etc.
*Generalisations cover what individual members of a group have in common, but
A) they never fully define those common features, and
B) individuals have distinctive differences..
so there is always scope to redefine and extend the generalisations.

*Even words for individuals are generalisations.
*"Ben Goertzel" is a continuously changing reality. At 10.05 pm he will be 
different from 10.00pm, and so on. He is in fact many individuals.
*Any statement about an individual, like "Ben Goertzel", is also vague and 

*The only way to refer to and capture individuals with high (though not 
perfect) precision is with images.
*A movie of Ben chatting from 10.00pm to 10.05pm will be subject to extremely 
few possible interpretations, compared with a verbal statement about him.

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