>> Some might say that if they get conservation of mass 
>> and newton's law then they skipped all the useless stuff!
> OK, but those "some" probably don't include any preschool 
> teachers or educational theorists.> That hypothesis is completely at odds 
> with my own intuition 
> from having raised 3 kids and spent probably hundreds of hours 
> helping out in daycare centers, preschools, kindergartens, etc.
Sorry, that was just kind of a joke.  Probably nobody actually has the opinion 
I was lampooning though I do see similar things said sometimes, as if inferring 
minimum-description-length root level reductionisms is a realistic approach to 
learning to deal with the world.  It might even be true, but the humor was 
supposed to be to juxtapose that idea with the AGI preschool.

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