2008/12/20 Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>:
> It doesn't have to be humanoid ... but apart from rolling instead of
> walking,
> I don't see any really significant simplifications obtainable from making it
> non-humanoid.

I can think of several. For example, you could give it lidar to
measure distances with -- this could then be used as input to its
vision system making it easier for the robot to tell which objects are
near or far. Instead of binocular vision, it could have >2 video
cameras. It could have multiple ears, which would help it tell where a
sound is coming from.

The the best of my knowledge, no robot that's ever been used for
anything practical has ever been humanoid.

> Grasping and manipulating general objects with robot manipulators is
> very much an unsolved research problem.  So is object recognition in
> realistic conditions.

What sort of visual input do you plan to have in your virtual environment?

> So, to make an AGI robot preschool, one has to solve these hard
> research problems first.
> That is a viable way to go if one's not in a hurry --
> but anyway in the robotics context any talk
> of preschools is drastically premature...
>> > On the other hand, making a virtual world such as I envision, is more
>> > than a
>> > spare-time project, but not more than the project of making a single
>> > high-quality video game.
>> GTA IV cost $5 million, so we're not talking about peanuts here.
> Right, but that is way cheaper than making a high-quality humanoid robot

Is it? I suspect one with tracks, two robotic arms, various sensors
for light and sound, etc, could be made for less than $10,000 -- this
would be something that could move around and manipulate a blocks
world. My understanding is that all, or nearly all, the difficulty
comes in programming it. Which is where AI comes in.

> Actually, $$ aside, we don't even **know how** to make a decent humanoid
> robot.
> Or, a decently functional mobile robot **of any kind**

Is that because of hardware or software issues?

Philip Hunt, <cabala...@googlemail.com>
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