Ah the collective brain is saying something else as well - wh. is another reason why I was hoping to get a discussion. It's exemplified in the example of the mouse.

Actually, Ridley is saying, the complete knowledge to build a mouse does not reside in any individual brain, or indeed by extension in any group of individual brains. That complete knowledge only effectively comes into being when you get all those brains along with all their relevant technologies and libraries, working together.

Hence one talks of a collective brain, which is of course a (useful) fiction. There is no such brain and nor is there any complete locatable store of knowledge to perform the great majority of our activities. They are the result of societies of individuals working together.

And that - although no doubt I'm not expressing it well at all - is a rather magical idea and magical reality.

{Note this is something different from but loosely related to the crude, rather atavistic idea beloved by AGI-ers that the internet will somehow magically come alive and acquire an individual brain of its own]

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