
An example reference on the theory of computability is "Computability and
Logic" by Boolos, Burgess and Jeffrey. For those who accept the
church-turing thesis, this mathematical theory provides a sufficient account
of the notion of computability, including the space of possible programs
(which is formalized as the set of Turing machines).


On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Abram,
> I feel a responsibility to make an effort to explain myself when someone
> doesn't understand what I am saying, but once I have gone over the material
> sufficiently, if the person is still arguing with me about it I will just
> say that I have already explained myself in the previous messages.  For
> example if you can point to some authoritative source outside the
> Solomonoff-Kolmogrov crowd that agrees that "full program space," as it
> pertains to definitions like, "all possible programs," or my example
> of, "all possible mathematical functions," represents an comprehensible
> concept that is open to mathematical analysis then tell me about it.  We use
> concepts like "the set containing sets that are not members of themselves"
> as a philosophical tool that can lead to the discovery of errors in our
> assumptions, and in this way such contradictions are of tremendous value.
> The ability to use critical skills to find flaws in one's own presumptions
> are critical in comprehension, and if that kind of critical thinking has
> been turned off for some reason, then the consequences will be predictable.
> I think compression is a useful field but the idea of "universal induction"
> aka Solomonoff Induction is garbage science.  It was a good effort on
> Solomonoff's part, but it didn't work and it is time to move on, as the
> majority of theorists have.
> Jim Bromer
> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 10:59 PM, Abram Demski <abramdem...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Jim,
>> I'm still not sure what your point even is, which is probably why my
>> responses seem so strange to you. It still seems to me as if you are jumping
>> back and forth between different positions, like I said at the start of this
>> discussion.
>> You didn't answer why you think program space does not represent a
>> comprehensible concept. (I will drop the "full" if it helps...)
>> My only conclusion can be that you are (at least implicitly) rejecting
>> some classical mathematical principles and using your own very different
>> notion of which proofs are valid, which concepts are well-defined, et
>> cetera.
>> (Or perhaps you just don't have a background in the formal theory of
>> computation?)
>> Also, not sure what difference you mean to say I'm papering over.
>> Perhaps it *is* best that we drop it, since neither one of us is getting
>> through to the other; but, I am genuinely trying to figure out what you are
>> saying...
>> --Abram
>>   On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>   Abram,
>>> I was going to drop the discussion, but then I thought I figured out why
>>> you kept trying to paper over the difference.  Of course, our personal
>>> disagreement is trivial; it isn't that important.  But the problem with
>>> Solomonoff Induction is that not only is the output hopelessly tangled and
>>> seriously infinite, but the input is as well.  The definition of "all
>>> possible programs," like the definition of "all possible mathematical
>>> functions," is not a proper mathematical problem that can be comprehended in
>>> an analytical way.  I think that is the part you haven't totally figured out
>>> yet (if you will excuse the pun).  "Total program space," does not represent
>>> a comprehensible computational concept.  When you try find a way to work out
>>> feasible computable examples it is not enough to limit the output string
>>> space, you HAVE to limit the program space in the same way.  That second
>>> limitation makes the entire concept of "total program space," much too
>>> weak for our purposes.  You seem to know this at an intuitive operational
>>> level, but it seems to me that you haven't truly grasped the implications.
>>> I say that Solomonoff Induction is computational but I have to use a
>>> trick to justify that remark.  I think the trick may be acceptable, but I am
>>> not sure.  But the possibility that the concept of "all possible programs,"
>>> might be computational doesn't mean that that it is a sound mathematical
>>> concept.  This underlies the reason that I intuitively came to the
>>> conclusion that Solomonoff Induction was transfinite.  However, I wasn't
>>> able to prove it because the hypothetical concept of "all possible program
>>> space," is so pretentious that it does not lend itself to mathematical
>>> analysis.
>>> I just wanted to point this detail out because your implied view that you
>>> agreed with me but "total program space" was "mathematically well-defined"
>>> did not make any sense.
>>> Jim Bromer
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>> Abram Demski
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