On 24 Aug 2013 19:38, "Sean Hunt" <scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> Agora's in a lull and it's going to quickly become full-fledged if we
> don't act quickly to restore order. Therefore, I propose the following
> to simplify a tad, and pay the Distributability Fee one time each to
> increase their Distributability.
> More simplification in other areas would be appreciated!
> Proposal: Okinawhat? (AI=1, PF=40)
> {{{
> Repeal Rule 2408 (Okinawa).
> Repeal Rule 2407 (Alliances).
> }}}

I don't understand. My reports on Okinawa and Parties have never been late
and neither of these aspects of the game are overly complicated, although
they may be flawed in other ways. The problem we have is not enough
gameplay, and you're proposing to get rid of what little we have.

As for why we're in a lull, that's because a bunch of players left, all,
AFAIK, for RL reasons. Not an overcomplicated ruleset (although there are
improvements to be made in that area, and I'm a fan of omd's proto, I don't
think it particularly affects activity levels). Note that your proposals
don't reduce the recordkeeping burden of any of the vacant offices (in fact
they increase it slightly where budget switches are transferred).

> Proposal: Simpler Proposal Fees (AI=3

CFJ: scshunt submitted a proposal in the above quote, and paid the
corresponding Distributability fee.

> Proposal: Handshake Deals are Enough (AI=3, PF=120)

FOR, but I don't think it will make much difference. Contracts are a much
more natural idea.

> To each of the promises referred to in the Horton's report as
> }}}

Something missing here?

> Proposal: Better Interest (AI=2, PF=40)

FOR. Maybe the reward switch is set a little high, but that can be an
election issue.

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