
Will new topics continue to be pushed to the mailing list as they are 
published on the discuss.akka.io web site?  I have avidly followed the 
mailing list and use it to learn of new developments and read up on topics 
of interest to me. I relied on the "push" nature of the mailing list to let 
me know topics of interest. Having to check a web site (and remembering to 
do so) means, for me, that I would no longer be able to keep up-to-date 
with akka developments. It just requires too much effort to "follow" 
changes in a web site.  

If the mailing list will remain as a means of pushing notifications of all 
the threads on discuss.akka.io, and the only change is that we cannot reply 
to the mailing list, I'm perfectly happy with that. As long as I can click 
on a link on a mailing list digest entry and end up at the right place on 
discuss.akka.io so that I can contribute and/or read the whole discussion, 
that's great.

Thanks. -- Eric

** New discussion forum: https://discuss.akka.io/ replacing akka-user 
google-group soon.
** This group will soon be put into read-only mode, and replaced by 
** More details: https://akka.io/blog/news/2018/03/13/discuss.akka.io-announced
>>>>>>>>>>      Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>>>>>>>>>>      Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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