The mobile market is a very different place now to what it was when some 
of these guys started work on their projects. With paid apps now out the 
door I expect many to be evaluating the time they spent and the return 
their getting, and I'm interested to see what happens.

Android may have provided some innovation, but the other platforms are 
fighting back. Nokia have their Ovi store which will list open source 
apps, BlackBerry now have an SDK thats an Eclipse plugin and their store 
has been taking submissions since the end of last month, and Windows 
Mobile 6.5 is around the corner and MS have confirmed Windows 
Marketplace will stock mobile apps.

All three of these vendors already have millions of users and years of 
experience working in and with Mobile users, so the Android proposition 
may not be as attractive to them as it once was, especially given the 
way Google are currently handling feature roll-outs and general 
developer relations.


JP wrote:
> On Feb 22, 1:23 pm, Java Developer <> wrote:
>> Al,
>> We finally made the decision to pull the plug too.
> I wonder how pro's that build things from scratch (i.e. do not
> leverage existing back ends such as Weather Channel, Amazon etc.)
> would sign up to the platform in an effort to build innovative apps.
> Technically, Android has the capabilities and "best in class" up front
> effort and cost.
> It can be frustrating at times, to say the least. I backed off quite a
> bit ever since the Google team wasn't able or willing to disperse the
> allegations that the ADC1 was extended to allow the MIT team to submit
> and take a price. I sure did not consider quitting my day job.
> Learning about pretty significant issues like the sidetracked SDK
> releases in the ADC1 or the launch of paid apps through off-hand
> remarks in the WSJ is <you fill the blank>.
> Poor relationship building.
> ** Google I/O coming. Opportunity to fix the relationship with the
> developer community **
> >

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