Dear Glenn:

        Thanks for some help with the insight.  I will consider it very
useful info once I get
Arachne going.  Unfortunately, although I have a little knowledge of DOS
and how Arachne batch
file work, I will have to work a little on this stuff.  Yes, there's that
word WORK and what it implies
to us Americanized-types like me that are sort of used to living in what
is still called by some
the most prosperous, greatest nation on earth {Ouch!--this talk is sure
to upset user of Arachne
overseas who also likes his nation!].  Pardon, if you please, a little
Americana occasionally.

        You and {Mr. Polak} , who is a Czech, can relate to the somewhat
"German" obsession
with work.  Yes,  I was born in Germany.  This is no racial slur, just a
fact. I refer to Mr. Polak's
work to develop Arachne and surmise that it may be a little bit of an
outgrowth of this somewhat
"German" mentality.  Mr. Polak, I hope your not offended and think me a

        I work two jobs presently and plan to go to school and I do not
consider this a burden.

        My main problem is with setting up Arachne:  is it necessary to
modify the auto-
exec.bat file to set an  %ARACHNE%TEMP=\DIR line so that the program
run's right.  I thought I had it all set up and then Arachne reverted to
an error message before loading saying "PPP link is down -not installed"

        Does this program depend on a specially encoded binary file
supplied by the vendor
of the e-mail and especially for DOS programs only?  Or does this refer
to the fact that the CHAP
verification failed.  My provider uses an authentification string called
a "Salt" after the password
which is a 27 character string.  Maybe  I should get a provider with a
simpler protocol.  Help, please??

Your lost in Tacoma DOS user,

Thomas/ Tom

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