Bernie wrote:
> Clarence wrote:
> >And you very definitely forgot 2d:
> >
> >They know about JS and when turned on interpret SOME of it,
> >ignore some of it, and CRASH on some of it !!
> I guess such a browser can exist - but I haven't used one that "crashes" if
> the JS is correct.

Well, as you know I use NS2.02 which does support EARLY javascript.
The problems come when js is enabled and stuff it doesn't recognize
(correct or otherwise) comes along.

I don't bother to check (or care) if the js is correct.
All I know for sure is, if I turn js off, I have no problems at all
except for the horrendous load times of these incredibly bloated pages.

See for an example of a page with few graphics that would
load about 10 times faster without javascript.

-  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit:

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