Having spent a lot of time recently looking at pages & at the code
generating them, I think I can tell you why "everyone" is using js.

If you don't know snit about HTML, but if you can get to a site and
download, you can grab off *hundreds* of javascript templates.

Biggest problem I've seen is that the templates allow a person to "do
everything" and most people *don't* do everything, so there is a lot of
js scripting left over that should be deleted.  But since the user
doesn't understand html in the first place, the user has no damned idea
what lines in the js to delete before putting up the web page.

When you have *any* template that isn't completely utilized or cleared
of unnecessary trash, you are going to have crap pages like so many of
the js intensive ones out there now.


-- "I need not like the company I keep, if that company helps me
    attain my own personal goals and does me no harm."   anon.
-- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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