
Remember, you asked.....

Dave's response is correct at the top level.  But there are subtle issues that
are all in the mix and need to be considered.

With AR System floating licenses, all forms in the environment are AR System
forms.  That means that access to any one of those forms in terms of a read, 
or write of data will obtain the license type that is assigned to the user.  At 
time of interaction with data, the system will obtain the license type.  Until 
is an access of data, the user is accessing the system with a read license.  You
can see a user in this state with a license of Read (Floating) for example.  The
Read is the type they are holding the (Floating) is the type they will try and 
to whenever there is data access.  Note that this will also show if you are OUT 
floating tokens so the user is currently in the system with Read access but is
waiting for an available token to show up.

Now, there are a few select operations to the system where we will not grab a 
For example, the lookup of your User Preference record because the system does 
at startup to get you going and it is not data you have selected to read.

However, if you open a console or form or something that displays data, even 
you did not do the read, they were done on your behalf so that triggers the
obtaining of a token as you have started interacting with data.

Remember, you DO NOT have to do an update or create to obtain your license.  Any
data access will obtain the license which you have been configured to use.

So, pretty straight-forward, only one little minor qualification for a few 
forms like the User Preference form.

Now, we get to application licenses.

Application licenses do not apply to all forms in the system, but only forms 
are within the specific application that is licensed.  In addition, it is not 
to all
forms that are part of a particular application.  An application specifies which
forms with that application are licensed forms and which are not.  You can see 
forms within an application are licensed by looking at the application 
(I don't know if this data is visible through DevStudio or you would have to go 
the API level to be able to see this list).

Whenever you access any data -- read, create, or write -- on any form within the
application that is licensed that is a licensed form, you will obtain a license 
the type you are assigned.  Until then, you will not obtain a license.

Why do applications have licensed and unlicensed forms?  So that you only obtain
the application license when working with the application not when you happen to
hit some shared form across applications or some auxillary form not considered a
key data form for the application.

So, a bit more complex, but really the same rules.  The only issue here is 
the form in question is part of the application and if so, is it licensed within
the application.

Remember, it is the form data is being accessed FROM not the form that you are 
that is the key form.  So, on the consoles, if you have tables accessing data 
it is
all the different sources of the table field data that are in question here not 
console itself.

Now, with this as background information, we are back to your question.

You are on a console that is querying other forms to pull data back to give you 
list of things.  You query a Change form.  You query an Incident form.  The 
queried are the main Change and Incident forms.  Those are each part of their
respective applications and each are licensed forms within those applications.
This means that you will be obtaining your assigned Incident and Change licenses
when you open the console as you are interacting with key forms on each of those
applications.  You will obtain those when you open the console (if you don't
already have them).

This should explain what is happening for your situation.

I will close with a couple of observations.  I will need you to follow along 
the flow and I will let you reach your own conclusions.  I have not and will not
in this message make a statement or promise that anything will be any different
tomorrow than it is today.  The rules of licensing and when licenses are 
ARE NOT changing.  But....

There was a time when there were NO exception forms for the AR System so that 
opening of the client of any kind even if no data was queried would grab a token
because there were some background forms -- like User Preference -- accessed by 
client itself at startup.

   You will find today that if you start a client and go to a form that does not
   query data or load a table field that you do not grab a license until you do
   access data

There was a time when ALL forms within an application were licensed to that
application.  So, any access of any form within the application would grab an
application license as assigned.

   You will find today that there is a subset of forms within the application 
   are licensed to the application.  Forms that are not will not obtain an
   application license when accessed.  Only forms that are licensed to the
   application will grab the application license  (they still grab AR System
   license just not application for the ones not licensed to the application)

The plan for licensing of an overview console where we bring together data from
many different forms across multiple applications is not to force the user to
suddenly grab tokens from many different applications just for getting a global
list.  This happens because the system queries the main data tables of each of
the applications.

   As BMC has uncovered areas where licenses were being obtained where we did 
   think it was appropriate (see the previous two examples), changes have been
   made in later releases to make sure that adjustments were made to not grab
   license tokens earlier than was intended.  I suspect that this trend will

   It is recognized by BMC that obtaining licenses from many applications when
   accessing an Overview Console we provide just to get a consolidated list of
   items across the applications may not be the desired behavior of the system.

I hope this note has helped to clarify when licenses are obtained -- both AR 
and application.

Doug Mueller

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Sanford, Claire
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:58 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: When is a Floating Application License "Consumed"

At WWRUG12 there were many conversations revolving around application licenses. 
 The answers varied depending on who answered your question.

Does anyone have a definitive answer for when a license is consumed?  I need to 
explain the process to management and I am not quite sure I understand it 

An example of the main question would be:

Susie has a floating Licenses for both Change and Incident Management.  She 
logs into ITSM and is on the SHR:Landing Console and her team has Change 
Requests in their queue along with Incidents.  Her curser is on the first entry 
in the table.

Does she latch onto and "consume" a license for Change Management (and 
Incident) even if she has not opened a ticket on her screen?  All she sees is 
the table containing the list of tickets in her queue.

I know there are many license threads in the Communities and here on ARSList, 
but none of the give an answer other than talk to your salesman.  The salesmen 
don't know when a license is consumed.  They just know how to sell you more.


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