I have accrued a bit of a wishlist while working with ATS.   Maybe some of 
it is useful or feasible.

Things I would keep the same:

   - I think dependent type / proof syntax is well done, and it feels a bit 
   more natural than Idris.  I'd keep this the same
   - The '~' to free an unfolded view type is a good choice. 
   - I'm also fond of '@' for unboxed types.
   - I like the degree to which it resembles SML. 
   - I like the various language backends.  The JS backend is especially 
   important, I think
I really like Idris and Haskell, though maybe SML-like syntax offers more 
flexibility (eg, defining different types of functions).  For 
resource-awareness, distinguishing between C-like lambdas and closures is 
excellent.  Then again, I don't miss the "fun" while working with Haskell 
or Idris. 

One good thing about Idris is that it's somewhat easy to target native / 
JS, and unofficially, the JVM.  A bit odd that the JS backend can be faster 
than the native at times.

Haskell is horrendous to cross-compile, and GHCJS program sizes are 
massive.  I love it for basic native compilation, though.

I think ATS could have a slight edge in the sense of portability -- the JS 
it outputs is tiny and it's dead-simple to cross-compile.   That said, I 
can't integrate the JS very easily into a standard JS toolchain, since it 
doesn't output modules.

Here are syntactic things I think ATS would benefit from:

   - Active whitespace would be a great alternative to "end", and might add 
   some elegance
   - Templates need to be better distinguished from dependent types.
   - As mentioned already, I dislike the '@' signs in types (eg, t@ype).  
   Aliasing also becomes very confusing (it took me a while to figure out what 
   t0p meant, or t0ype for that matter)
   - I found numeric suffixes similarly problematic -- clo1, for instance.  
   The number gives no indication about what the name may mean. 
   - List literals would be awesome in some capacity (eg, ["this", "is", 
   "a", "list"]).  I guess it may be hard to distinguish between types of 
   lists, but I do think $list / $list_v is a bit too verbose.
   - $FOO reads like a shell variable.  Nixing the dollar sign next to 
   modules may be a good choice.
   - I think C might be best banished to .cats files.  Or, maybe the inline 
   code blocks could be assigned a language (eg, %C{  ... %})
   - Multiline strings are useful in any language.
Technical things I think ATS could use:

   - Some lightweight concurrency primitives would be great -- nothing that 
   would require a runtime, but maybe something to schedule things like green 
   - Clearer error messages, ideally aware of the C compilation phase.  C 
   errors can be confusing when....I'm not working in C.
   - Odds and ends -- a build / package manager might be useful. 
   - Lazy "val" might be nice -- like Haskell's "let". 
   - The JS backend is great, but it would help to output modules. ES6 
   would be a fine choice for this, I think.  Node will catch up eventually, 
   and in the meantime, there are tools like Rollup, etc.
   - Possibly, row types?

One thing I liked about ATS is that I could port the same library to 
multiple language targets simply by swapping out .hats and .cats files. I 
had attempted to build a web framework / HTML DSL on this principle (though 
time isn't on my side).  I felt that some of my Makefile trickery could be 
better managed by a smart build tool, that knows the library and the 
language targets (C for the server and JS for the client), for example.  I 
don't think it needs to be particularly complex, but there would need to be 
some conventions for directory structure and organization of .cats files in 
different languages.

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