I have also just realised that a better example than ${ in "" would have been
$( inside "".

There, because of the double quotes, the '(' is treated literally, as a '('
character, and not as the '(' operator.   But still when the command
substitition (inside the "") is performed, the '(' is available to be part
of the syttax, and is no longer treated literally at all.

Put that reasoning into the argument in the previous message, instead
of the ${ version and I think it becomes clearer how the current text
allows the '-' inside "a-c" to be treated literally, as the string is parsed
(not that that one would be treated differently anyway, any more than
the '{' would be in the ${ form) but still have its special meaning in
character ranges, just as the '(' (or '{' retains its special meaning in the


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