The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I think this conversation is interesting. I'm not Sunni or Shi'a, but I
think both narratives have merit.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Susan Maneck <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> > I would point out that in the history of Sunni-Shia polemics it is
> > actually very common for Shias to argue from Sunni sources.
> > Rhetorically it can come off as a neat trick
> Dear Gilberto,
> Is it a 'trick' or merely reflective of the fact that the evidence is
> on their side?
>  For
> > example Ghadeer Khum is in the Sunni hadith collections too and Sunnis
> > largely agree with Shias on the outward facts, but with a very
> > different understanding. In terms of the current discussion,
> In other words, they agree with the account which clearly demonstrates
> that Muhammad appointed Ali as His successor.
> > In any case, if we are trying to determine the Sunni position on a
> > matter you should actually quote positions from Sunni scholars not
> > just  cherry pick sunni hadith but ignore what Sunni ulema actually
> > believe.
>  I'm interested in the evidence not the way in which Sunnis attempt to
> dismiss it.
> > Allah have mercy on Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, he abhorred speaking ill
> > even of Yazid ibn Mu`awiya because the latter lived in one of the
> > centuries praised by our Holy Prophet,
> For the benefit of those Baha'is who are less familiar with Islam, let
> me point out that Ibn Hanbal was the founder of the most conservative
> school of Sunni Islam, the one the Wahhabis adhere to.
> Now let's deconstruct his statement.  He is not going to speak ill
> *even* of Yazid (which implies there is a good deal to speak evil of)
> because he is the son of Mu'awiya. And what does Mu'awiya have in his
> favor? Nothing, except for the fact he lived at the same time as the
> Prophet. This apparently means he doesn't have to live up to the same
> standards as the rest of us.
>  Hence Imam Abu Hanifa made it
> > part of the obligatory Muslim Creed in al-Fiqh al-Akbar: "We [Muslims]
> > do not mention any of his Companions except with goodness!" Do you
> > suppose he meant "whenever it suits us or is easy to do"?
> Okay, thank you very much for this evidence that Sunni Muslims aren't
> allowed to do any real historical analysis of this period of their
> history.
> > What is entailed by having good opinion of the Noble Companions of the
> > Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is that if
> > they sinned they hastened to repentance;
> Notwithstanding all the evidence to the contrary.
> > There is scholarly consensus,
> So beware folks, Sunni scholars cannot be relied upon when it come so
> their early history because they are theologically committed to
> ignoring all the negatives.
> Do you even realize the implications of what you are saying?
> warmest, Susan
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