>From the 9.5 Release Notes (as mentioned by Rich earlier):

Completions can be derived from a variety of sources, including (in no
particular order and without limitation):
* clippings (both language-specific and universal);
* ctags symbols computed by running the current document through
* ctags symbols found in 'tags' files in the current document's
* predefined names for the source code language at the point of
* language-specific completions;
* completions provided by the system spelling system.

Which method do you want to use?

Clippings as previously mentioned was easy for me to understand. I
figured it out by RTFM, and I don't consider myself a programmer.
Maybe it's your 10 years of programming experience that is getting in
the way?

I also modify a .bblm package's Info.plist to amend completion strings
(I assume that is "language-specific completions"). You could start
with the javascript.bblm and tweak it.
/Applications/BBEdit.app/Contents/Language Modules/JavaScript.bblm/

Ctags makes my eyes bleed. Someday I will figure it out by following a
comprehensible example that is devoid of geek speak. It's over my

As you know, no company has the resources to fulfill every customer
request--even if it is for a very popular library like jQuery. jQuery
is a library for a language, and Bare Bones tends to focus more on
languages than their libraries.

If you want screencasts or tutorials beyond what is currently
available and came with the product, provide an incentive. Hire
someone, barter, paint their house, whatever.

Finally remarks filled with sarcasm and smarminess--even when followed
by emoticons--usually don't engender favorable responses. They tend to
elicit unhelpful, sarcastic, smarmy remarks.


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