On Jul 20, 11:40 am, Steve Piercy <steve.piercy....@gmail.com> wrote:

> As you know, no company has the resources to fulfill every customer
> request--even if it is for a very popular library like jQuery. jQuery
> is a library for a language, and Bare Bones tends to focus more on
> languages than their libraries.

For what it's worth, there's a complete set of BBEdit clippings for
jQuery version 1.4.2 (the latest) available at:


There's all manner of clippings sets available at:


There are Django clippings at:


There's a Rails toolkit at:

(although I don't know if there are clippings)

There are Zend Framework ctags at:

(although these are a bit out of date -- ping me if you're actually
using them)

... And so on ... (Google helps.)

Either you can find all the resources you need or you can use those
you can find as examples. Generally people on the list will help when
you get stuck.

Hope that helps someone.

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